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Interesting Perspective in India

I was recently in India on a business trip. Got talking to a few folks who follow the PL here. Yes it is a small sample size but these guys were well informed about the PL and had been following it for several years.

We got to talking about Blackburn when one of them mentioned that an Indian company (Venky's) had made its foray into the PL. Their perspective on the unease and dislike from the Blackburn fans was this "of course it is expected. Since it is an Indian company everyone is on their back. If it was a British or an American or an European company, people would be preaching patience.". When I explained that this was not the case, they gave me examples of Portsmouth, Liverpool (under Hicks and Gillett) etc.

Not that I agree with them but just wanted to share their perspective with you.

posted on 21/12/11

"These native Indians you spoke with have a tremendous command of the English language using words and phrases like "foray", "on their backs", "preaching patience". I went to Goa once and most of them hadn't got past "the cat sat on the mat" level!" As Goa is a former colony of Portugal, that isn't at all surprising.

posted on 21/12/11

India is a former colony of Great Britain!

posted on 21/12/11

India is a former colony of Great Britain!
Yes but not Goa Chicken ,Feed is right

posted on 21/12/11

The only type of Portugese influence left in Goa is a type of curry.

posted on 21/12/11

you googled it as well then

posted on 21/12/11

When I went to Goa in the 90's the only culture I sampled were the all night raves on the beaches.

posted on 21/12/11

Bricks you are ok aftr your win.

posted on 22/12/11

A bit better but I'd rather being neck n neck with you at around 15th and 16th place

posted on 23/12/11

The funny thing is most of the folks I met spoke far better English than a lot of our own chaps here.

posted on 23/12/11


A lot of folk have some really good points to make, or have genuine grievances, the problem is when those points are made with little or no care (spelling and grammatical errors) they are given less credibility that those that are 'spoken' well. Message board or not, there's no excuse for abysmal grammar. Of course, typo's often slip in but Jeeez guys should we all not be old enough to know the difference between 'your' and 'you're' by now

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