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Article Rating 2 Stars

Not good enough

Yes, I've had a beer or two, but I don't believe it has hinderedy my judgment.
Sorry, but I don't believe we are title contenders.
I don't even believe we are that good.... Certainly not as good as we like to think we are.
Chelsea tonight were as poor as I've seen them for a long time, but they were still better than us.
Main reason, desire. It goes a long way, much further than belief.
I think we believe, but I'm not so sure we have the desire.
I didn't see much desire tonight, and I think we're getting a little carried away with ourselves..

Anyway, you may disagree.. ( like I give a sh one tee)

Love. X

posted on 23/12/11

From what I've seen, you are a fairly sensible poster.
What did you think of tonight's game?
I thought we, (Spurs), played well for 20 minutes, but fell very flat after that. You should have gone on to win the game, even after losing a couple injured.

posted on 23/12/11

Mr Pearce,
With respect, I get to watch my team quite a lot, and have done for 30 years. Believe me I have witnessed a few false dawns.
Don't get me wrong, we have the makings of a good side, but I think that we think we are better than we are.
Time will tell.

posted on 23/12/11


I don't think that u's are going to win the league but u have to admit, the current xi...Is the best u's have had in a while.

To critique, and point the finger...?

posted on 23/12/11

Mr Pearce,
I think I've earned the right to critique.
I love my club, and always will. I'm also excited about the way we're playing, I just don't believe we're as good as the hype suggests we are.
Time will tell.
Thanks for your comments, it's nice to see a little sensible debate on here

posted on 23/12/11

do you know anything about football mate ?

never read so much rubbish in my life

best i have seen chelsea play this season ,and in the first 20 mins we were unplayable

Why dont you jog off to watch arsenal , your be more welcome there

We have been playing fantasic football and if our best start to a season since 1961 is not good enough for you then nothing will be


posted on 23/12/11

Spanners ......

What the hell do you want ????? The only other season where we've had a better start to a season was 50 years ago and we won the double that season....

The refs have cost us 5 points over the last 3 games

Save your nonsense for them

posted on 23/12/11

Oh and BTW Chelsea spent more money on 2 donkeys less than a year ago than our entire team cost

posted on 23/12/11

In defence of Mr Spanners, I reckon that this was a somewhat knee-jerk reaction - emotions running high mixed with intoxication could even make Spur rant like a nutjob.

I wonder if the Op will be back this morning with his thoughts now that he has had time to reflect

For my tuppence worth, yes we were flat and the performance wasn't great, but FFS, we're THFC, there was always going to be a slow-down to the 100mph pace we have been setting the last couple of months.

I think the fact that we didn't play particularly well, and feel deflated at drawing with Chelsea is a testament of how far we've come in the last couple of years.

The Jol era would have seen us fold like a Mad Japanese origami devotee but alas, not these days

Onwards and upwards

posted on 23/12/11

Spanners Dad

And here endeth the sensible debate.

The minute we are the famous enters the fray all thoughts of reasoned debate fly out of the window.

He resorts to insults if you post anything he disagrees with, and as you can tell if you trawl through his rantings, would be out of his depth in a car park puddle

I happen to disagree with you, I think you are a spoonfull of extras away from really challenging for the title, if not this year then next, but I wouldn't stoop to insults just because we dont concur.

A lot of people on here say he is one of these people who only exist to wum, and has been here in many guises, all I can say to that is if it's true, he is not a very inventive wum, more your sort of crashing bore wum

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