Well, I've gotten around to writing another blog! < collective sigh>
Feedback is most welcome! Discussion even more so.
Let's Get Polarised!
posted on 2/1/12
Straight in again with that crafty star. If only God and baby Jeebus gave you a brain cell as quickly.
Thanks again One Brown Star bandit!
posted on 2/1/12
5 from me Spherical
posted on 2/1/12
I thanks you stunningfox.
posted on 2/1/12
Not bad, tries to be a bit cleverer than it is but I like the positivity in it
posted on 2/1/12
Cheers...I guess, BlackStarr. Not sure how it's trying to be cleverer than it is though. but thanks for watching.
posted on 2/1/12
Technically very impressive, Spherical, almost surreal. And the text? Perhaps you had had a New Year drink. But keep 'em coming.
posted on 2/1/12
Cheers MallingFox, More went into the clips than the text. I had written a full diatribe in length, but it was too negative, so I went with that. Not great, but I am aiming to be more positive.