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Attacking Right Back

In the last few years the right back position has been a weakness IMO. Paulo - back up only now but not 1st team, Bos - lots of expectation on his arrival but didn't sustain early promise, Ivan - CB doing his best out of position and taking more legs that Chopper use to.
Just a thought but would Jose be up for a deal for a Ramos/Drogs swap?





Luis is in at DM as I believe he's a better football than Mikel or Essien.
I cant understand why people are calling for us to recruit a RW as Sturrdige looks a good bet to me on the right (where he played for Bolton last season and U21's) cutting in to leave room for the rampaging Ramos.


posted on 21/6/11

RB, Personally I rate van der Wiel .Good promise and not overpriced.

As for DM, Essien obviousy, whoever above said Mikel is any good has never watched football. What a waste of space Mikel is!

posted on 21/6/11

Ramos for Drogs? Ha, good one

Ramos is imo one of the most over-rated players out there. Much like Casillas he is rated highly more because of the club he plays for than anything else

VDW-less sure, we're looking for a backup RB and he'd set us back £20 million for a player not much better than Bos

We need an attacking RB but neither Ramos nor VDW is the answer

posted on 21/6/11

I think its time that we let the likes of Essien and Drogba leave while they still command a reasonable sell price.
Although having Drogba as part of the offensive coaching squad (that sounds a bit american uh!)would be cool with young players of the calibre of Lukaku arriving. Same would go for Lampard and JT in time - true Chelsea greats.

posted on 21/6/11


I was quite sceptical on Van Der Weil to and while I think for anything over 15/16 million is to high anything below that is quite good. Personally I'd prefer us to go for one of the two Kyle's ( I know Naughton was only in the Championship last year, but so was Wakler and look how he's progressed. Naughton was considered the best RB in the Champo and also considered just as good as Walker) or Santon, who could be available for cut-price after nagatomo's good form at Inter. Richard's would actually be my ideal choice but it looks ilke he's not coming

Agree on Ramos and Cassilas though. Two-three years ago I do think they were good bordering on great players,but I think Cassilias has been surpassed by the likes of Cesar, Cech, Neuer, Stekelenburg and even De Gea (potentially). Ramos seems to have gone back in development and isn't showing the type of form that he should have progressed to showing. Apparently Real Madrid want Coentrao so he can play on the RIGHT for Madrid, and re-build the partnership with Di Maria he had at Benfica except on the right. JM wouldn't do this if Ramos was that good.

posted on 21/6/11

Drogba's far to young to retire and be a coach? LIke Dessaily with Terry and more recently Lampard with McEachran, Drogba could easily stay and give tips to Lukaku. Essien I do think should go if the right price comes in but Drogba is a no-no. Why sell your most dangerous player going forward? Would Udinese sell di Natale (their top scorer past two seasons) just because he's old? Would Roma sell Totti, still arguably their best forward, just because he's a few years past 30? No, so why should we just so we can get a few extra million? What if Torres doesn't do well, which, on the evidence he's shown so far, is possibly quite likely. Who will we have to fill in for him?

posted on 21/6/11

Everyone says luiz was rubbish at dm for benifica but this is chelsea and the premier league itll be completely different. In the portugese league he could lunge and not get caught out in the prem league hes been caught out so many times i think he can play there and should.

And we dont need a right back ivanovic is class. he can attack and defend yes he cant attack the best but his defence is probably on of the best.
theyres bigger postions to fill like cm or lm/rm we should get first

posted on 21/6/11

We still need a back-up RB IMO. When Ivanovic is injured/un-available were stuck with the useless Bosingwa and Ferriera

posted on 21/6/11

Van der wiel only has a year left on his contract so he will only cost 8-10 mil.

comment by CSTP (U1453)

posted on 21/6/11

Van Der Wiel is the best idea. Cheaper than the likes of Richards and Naughton/Walker and quite frankly better. At first I was unsure as i thought he would cost 20M but apparently it'll be more like half of that. Sounds a very good deal to me

posted on 22/6/11

Kenyan - Luiz can go in there...(when he's not playing DM under AVB that is...)

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