Grab a load of this...
Its 2012, a beautiful summers day...
...from about 11.00am the coaches started arriving, I can't see them over the 25 foot mound of earth which surrounds the site. I can hear hundreds of people milling about in the car park. The fumes from the car park seem worse in the summer. The smell of fast food is overwhelming at times, especially as the wind blows. They all arrive so early that the whole area is filled with a pungent odour of onions and cheap beef. The noise of the vans arriving and setting up whole me early again today. The seagulls were particularly noisy today. They used to spend most of there time in the far field, but the place is overrun now and the pigeons have taken roost in every available building. Lots of rich pickings after the concert last night and loads of rubbish left in the car park. Late wasn't it, it ended at 12.00am but with all the coaches and cars, beeping horns and engines starting it was almost 3am before the car park eventually fell silent. Of course the lighting stays on all night for security, so even though some of the perimeter lights are turned down it's like living in a car park. Still five hours sleep better than last week. I am not sure why the market was not on today, it usually is, so Sundays are full of noise from early in the morning, people, cars, vans, usual stuff. I am trying to cast my mind back to how Sundays used to be. Waking to see deer in the fields was always a joy. Wandering across the fields, looking in the brok for tadpoles and frogs, taking pictures of birds, butterflies, dragonflies. Looking at the different mushrooms and fungi.
The music playing in the stadium is loud today, can't hear myself think, its like living int the middle of a fairground. The 80 foot big screens are playing replays of last weeks game. Oh for an hours extra sleep, not any more, especially at weekends. I remember September 2008, we had a brief Indian summer at the end of the month. The field returned to green after the diggers had cleared the site. I thought then, I must remember this day, if we don't do something now to stop this within a year or so this will all be a memory.
Well the police and police dogs which earlier chased a group of lads through the gardens have gone. At least till the match ends. Last week about 200 people ran through the gardens, turning over everything, still wqas only a few gardens damaged. We always knew they would find short cuts through the houses. The helicopters started arriving early bringing in the football directors. There are six police vans parked outside today along with three ambulances and vans with police dogs. Still hopefully they will be gone in a few hours. Feel the need for some green space and quiet today so may take a drive down to Clevedon or go and sit on the downs. How strange, I used to be able to just open the back door, even at the front its like a main road now. Amazing how many cars come down here expecting to find sa shortcut and then have to reverse back up the road. We had two coaches trying to turn here last week. It was mayhem.
Its so hot in the city now and all this concrete is so oppresive. The lights from the hotel glare in through the window at night, what with the floodlights on the pitch. Its constant daylight now. The bins were all emptied at 6am, so the seagulls were close by. I need to go to Sainsburys, but if I go now I won't be able to park here again. Last week I had to park in South Liberty Lane and walk back home, I could not get anywhere near the house and then had to wait until the match was over and then go back for the car later. Picked up a load of fish and chip packets from outside the garden and if I had a penny for every bottle and coke tin.
Still could be worse........could be back to when they were developing and building. Oh the noise and dust. Month after month of steel gurders, cranes, concrete, that was so bad, all the rubble and infill. Its odd now with all the land on the same level. Still have a weeks holiday to look forward to, trying to get out into the countryside and enjoy some quiet. Right back to reality, time to close all the doors and windows to keep out some of the noise.
From..Ashton Vale Heritage....
Do people really believe this stuff..?
From The Village Idiot..
posted on 21/6/11
why dont they move????
and wize are you not taking up our bet i offered?
posted on 22/6/11
It's the final fling of the lesser spotted NIMBY last seen trying to pick it's way across a marshy swamp dragging a dog on a lead(why is it some sort of strange ritual that requires a canins sacrifice)the dog would obviously be at Ashton Court where he could run on good ground.
If you look closely you can tell the Lesser spotted NIMBY from its relatives by the glareing red eyes and foaming mouth everytime someone says anything they disagree with(almost everyone they speak to outside of their colony of LSN's).
posted on 22/6/11
sorry should read - canine sacrifice?
posted on 22/6/11
thanks wize always need a laugh but all that talk of food esp the deer has made me hungry
posted on 22/6/11
Venison burgers would be very up market,along with...
'"Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,--
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.'
HMmmm,very nice...
posted on 22/6/11
take that as a NO then wize.....
posted on 22/6/11
Now,now Shiny,I forgot but patience is a virtue and I'm waiting for KM to complete his pre-season activities..
....and I thank you for a good deal but save your shekels..