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Ok I was wrong....

Ok I would like to apologise for using insults to get my point across in the past few posts. I have been really angered by some of the postings on here but that's no reason to slap people's opinions down even if I completely disagree with what they say.

We are all hacked off at the moment and we all have our own views on Nigel. Time will tell who is right but that's not the point.

I'd like to quote again something Mallingfox said a while back which I think is right. I'm not quoting this to start an argument but as a reminder of what I think was pretty sensible

'We must surely all back Pearson 100%, and give him the time to show us - and of course his paymasters - what he can do.'

For me that 100% is crucial. The boos will not produce better performances, the criticism of Nigel won't encourage pulling together and getting behind this club and that's what lcfc needs now more than ever.

posted on 15/1/12

That would be Ricardo True Blue!

Don't start the booing debate again or I'll have to start ducking the flying pint glasses!!

posted on 15/1/12

That's the guy, my point was really to show how fickle we fans are ( well some ) and that this isn't something new aimed at Pearson's reign only!

posted on 15/1/12

OK well said, Blackstarr.

As Mersey rightly observes, we are all of us utterly hacked off at the moment, and maybe on short fuses. But no one on here wants anything other than the success of the club, and when one sees the sad deserts that are the JA606 pages of many other clubs, the passion on this one tells a good story.

posted on 15/1/12

I can understand why you'd be hacked off and swearing at people, BlackStarr. I consider myself to have a very good temper, but I woke up this morning still angry about what I'd seen yesterday. This is a rarity for me, but the lack of passion and effort on display had really riled me. Playing rubbish I can forgive and forget quickly, playing with a lack of interest is another matter and I hope they've had an absolute bulldozing for it from Pearson and co.

What I saw was:

- Not enough players showing an interest in tracking back for both goals.
- Not enough players showing an interest in supporting the attack at the other end.
- Slumped postures, awful body language from the moment the first goal went in.
- No on-field player trying anything to rectify this or communicate with his teammates. Only Schmeichel toward the end, and he shouldn't need to get involved.
- At times toward the end, it was asked: "Why is Nugent on the ball /there/? Surely he should be in the box?" I agreed, but pointed out that this was because nobody else was interested in building the move and Nugent was having to do their jobs for them.

Overall, only Schmeichel, Nugent and, at times, Dyer earned their money this week. Most of the rest looked gutless on and off the ball. Barnsley's blonde midfielder stood out to me (Perkins, I recall?) - not because he showed any particular skill or ability, but because he put himself about and looked determined to get something out of the game. I compared this to Andy King, who was worse than useless yesterday and should have been subbed at half time, and wonder where the fight has gone from the team. It's particularly strange that those who look like they have the most heart in the squad are Schmeichel and Nugent (also Bamba), none of whom are the Pearson regulars from a couple of seasons back.

So, after that rant, what's to be done? Well, anyone who wants Pearson out is crazy, particularly if they want someone like consistent and proven confidence-wrecker Steve Bruce signed up. Getting another manager in is very unlikely to help and far more likely to make things worse - our best players would just think the club has become a joke and we'd probably get relegated. The season has clearly now become one of development; Pearson and co need to push on with building a squad ethic without any other expectation. A cup run would be nice, although part of me is dreading winning on Tuesday because of the prospect of playing Swindon in the next round, who must be licking their lips at ours and Forest's recent form and fancying their chances against either one of us.

We have to give up on this season. All we can do is leave the management to get on with sorting out whatever mess is going on within the club.

posted on 15/1/12

Totally agree. A dismal performance yesterday and a clear out is on the cards. Even people like King will be at risk if he doesn't start showing up

posted on 15/1/12

Pearson has a good track record with us (and other clubs) but memories are very short when it comes to football. This is Sven's team and a slightly above average Championship one at that. Most fans get that now after the Barnsley result. Pearson needs a bit of time to bring in his own type of players and ship out the ones not performing. The dream of promotion for me this year is over but I still feel optomistic knowing that Pearson is the best man to get us moving forward in the right direction beyond that.

comment by johngee (U5021)

posted on 16/1/12

Dunge -I saw same issues but where we differ is that you blindly target the players without any questions regarding the manager who is responsible for the players.

In the first week of his tenure -and before he had any impact on the training ground regime and imposed his strict unbending attitude the club reached the play off positions.
The timing of his appointment was calculated also to give him a flying start in November with 3 home games and match against a bottom club.

Players were in high morale -smiles at Belvoir - you must have seen the healthy banter between players at warm -up.

Compare now - slumped to fifteenth, players demoralised - players shipped out without trial -others on transfer list - others of premiership experience not even in training squad- potential signings turning tail-
...... but don't question the manager!!!
As I have said before -don't blame Pearson alone - he has certain admirable qualities - but to try to reverse a playing style and approach on which you selected a squad is nonsense-

Just look at poor Nugent .. he is patently lost in our long ball tempo system -as is our midfield who are desperately trying to catch up with the ball instead of being responsible for it


posted on 16/1/12

I am completely fed up with the appalling performances week in, week out. Like many I suspect, I thought it a ludicrous decision to sack Sven - remember he took us from bottom of the table in October to 9th place last season, scoring 4 or more goals 9 times at home. Sometimes the football was sublime.

Admittedly, the start to this season was not we all hoped for, but I don't think we were that far away from becoming a decent side (factually we were only 2 points from a Play-off place).

Now the football is atrocious. Boring, limited, long-ball rubbish and there isn't even the compensation of securing points via this route. Our record since NP took over is relegation form.

Do I think we should sack NP?

NO, NO, NO! He was a good manager at City first time round and, given time, he will be a good manager here again, but he must be given that time. Frustrated as I am with the gutless, tactically naive performances I have never booed the team and never will.

It is imperative that we all get behind the team and the manager every week. If they can't inspire us at the moment then we should try and inspire them. I thought the Kop gave it a good go early in the 2nd half when there seemd to be a collective decision to rally around the team and cheer them on. Unfortunately, the performance on the pitch was so woeful that even the Kop lost heart in the end.

One final point - Kasper - what a keeper!

posted on 16/1/12

John - It is indeed a mess, and I don't think anyone was unfortunate enough to go to the game on Saturday would argue. Who or what is to blame remains something of a mystery to me. The players look fragile and easily defeated, but they have done all season. It is clearly an unhappy squad and my guess is that most of them are looking around and silently blaming each other for everything rather than stepping up and taking any responsibility.

Quite who you think could come in and fix this quickly, I don't know. There aren't many Martin O'Neills out there. What I'd back Pearson to do is to spend the rest of the season sorting out who among the squad could actually form a team next season and maybe trying to build bridges between them. From the on-field performances it's clearly a massive job but I remain optimistic that Pearson can do it.

Incidentally, regarding your comment about happy smiling faces turned sour after a few months of Pearson, you come to a different conclusion from me. My reading of that is that Pearson's entrance papered over the cracks temporarily; one or two players made up their minds immediately that they were here for Sven and nobody else and couldn't be bothered with this stupid division any more, and for many of the others the idea that someone could snap their fingers and they'd reach their 'potential' has been squashed. Reality has hit home and, from now until the rest of the season, the challenge for many players is to decide whether they can pick themselves back up again and realise that the only way they'll have success is with patience and determination (which are in pretty short supply at present).

posted on 16/1/12

Black star
Back to the thread it takes a big man to say his sorry outstanding.
Im sitting here a long way from Leicester thinking WTF has gone wrong.
There are big problems with moral and confidence in the team and i dont know without wholesale changes it will change.

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