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How petty

It seems very immature and small minded of Rangers fans and the club themselves that the new signing is being referred to as Mervan like he is some kind of single named brazilian just because he has an unfortunate name for a Rangers player.

Just because thats the name on the shirt dosent mean that is what he should be called. Don't imagine i'll be hearing everyones opinion on "Rabiu" next time im at CP.

comment by (U6568)

posted on 27/1/12

Duke - Sorry pal. I was treating you mob like normal human beings and giving some of you the benefit of the doubt.
Won't happen again.

posted on 27/1/12

aye like no liking celtic makes you no nomal

rivals, football team
None of the other pash but if Barca signed Jimmy Real Madrid you can bet your money the name on the shirt will be ..... Jimmy

Come on mate catch up mate.

posted on 27/1/12

1/4 of a million payable after 30 days to his former club. Let's just wait and see how many dumb orcs have Mervan on their tops before he is shipped back out.

Mervan a feeling(Boston-Red Stripe advert from '82)

comment by (U6568)

posted on 27/1/12

Duke - You been drinking?

Selik and Celtic are two seperate names, so the example you gave is redundant.

If the guys name was Celtic, then I could see what you're saying. But it's not.

So anyone who would give the boy stick for his name remotely resembling a rival team would have to have the mental age of a 5 year old.

I'm sure there is a player for Swansea whose second name is Rangel.
If he signed for Celtic I'd have so problem with his name being on his top.
Thats about the same as having Selik on your top.

If that offends you, you're one of two things.
1. Daft.
2. A hate filled individual.

posted on 27/1/12

the guys name is Celik not Selik

Its close enough

It does not offend me in any way however I would prefer our players not to have the name of our greatest rivals on there back (or even close to it)

If that make me daft in your eyes then so be it.

posted on 27/1/12

To be honest though it’s obviously the use of his name in the Glaswegian Vernacular that’s the problem so fairs fair.

posted on 27/1/12

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posted on 27/1/12

Honduran internationalist Jorge Claros has left Rangers after two weeks on trial.

Claros, known as the pitbull, has returned to Club Montagua after the Honduran side discovered that Rangers were unable to offer a transfer fee.

Ally McCoist was keen to add Claros to his striking options but has admitted that the club is unable to offer any contracts despite a number of trialists heading to Murray Park over the last couple of weeks.

Earlier this week Bosnian striker Zlatan Muslimovic cut short his week long trial with Rangers to try his luck with Sunderland while Rangers were unable to put a contract offer to Estonian internationalist Enar Jaager who is available on a Bosman deal.

Speaking about Jaager today McCoist said: “We weren’t in a position to make him an offer unfortunately.

“I’m not easily upset and a lot worse things happen. It’s maybe a wee bit of a disappointment but I’m not going to throw the toys out of the pram.

“That’s life and you just have to get on with it. I’m certainly not closing the door on that at all.

“If the opportunity arises that we are in a position to make a bid, we will do that.”


posted on 27/1/12

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