Would ye??
posted on 31/1/12
posted on 31/1/12
This one will appease the "Bears need to demand answers" brigade:
1412: Pattyboi17 using #bbcsportsound: "I think it's a shame Craig Whyte is keeping Rangers fans in the dark about the club they love! We need to know where we stand!"
Tell me about it Patty me ol' China!!
posted on 31/1/12
You have to love these threads where all the knobends who have no interest in a thread where there's no sniping and childish one-upmanship
I thought they must all be away somewhere. A quick look into another thread and they're still there. Saying the same garbage they were saying at this stage in 2009
Can't beat an article about riding Gail Sheridan to give us some relief from the idiots!
posted on 31/1/12
gail nawwwwwww whats happens if she wants to stick they beads somewhere the sun dont shine!
posted on 31/1/12
She's aboot 5 shades or orange different fae Tam, noo.
I widnae ride her intae battle.
posted on 31/1/12
hawk - Depends what kinda beads she's talknig about
posted on 31/1/12
posted on 31/1/12
Beads that go right u yer farter
They only stay around the corner from me, I was thinking of going round and chapping the door whilst Tommy was away to see if the milf wanted to have a cuppa tea or something.
posted on 31/1/12
posted on 31/1/12
Right in amongst it like a dug eating beetroot