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We've been a tad unfortunate of late to have been inundated with vagrants from other boards telling us we're, amongst other things, too demanding and our expectations are too high.

Whilst we do out best to ignore these green tinted jibes, I thought we may aswell use it as the basis for discussion. This may actually prove them all right but will be interesting!

So what, as a Leicester fan, are your expectations in respect of league position for this season.

Personally I expect us to finish in a playoff position. If that is over confidence then so be it but I believe that to be quite a realistic expectation.

posted on 25/6/11

posted on 25/6/11

At this time of year all supporters of every team in the country probably have the same expectations as us.
Just look at the quality of teams i the Championship apart from about 3 or 4 teams they have all played in the Premier League.Also take a look at the Calibre of managers in the league aswell.Most of them would'nt look out of place managing a team i the Premiership.

I not so much as expect but Hope however that any player pulling on our Blue shirt gives 100%.If so then i hope we will be within the top 6 come the end of the season or better still the top 2.

posted on 25/6/11

I have a few views on what I have read so far on this excellent article!
1, Filbo, I EXPECT or even demand that every player who pulls on the sacred blue shirt this season gives 100%. i have forked out over £550 in season tickets for myself and my children to attend al home matches. Its alot of monet for a single dad!!
2, J.A. Fox, I dont wan to go into the Premier league so we as fans can ripped off every week by money grabbing chairman, how much did QPR increase ticket prices this season? No thanks!
The championship is the best league in the world for me!
3, Personally I think we will gain promotion next May, I predict the top 2 being West Ham and ourselves! with an interesting game between the 2 sides in the penultimate game!
4, good luck Doctor Fox, with the wife and your iminent arrival!
5, MP's lets not even go there!!

posted on 25/6/11

'2, J.A. Fox, I dont wan to go into the Premier league so we as fans can ripped off every week by money grabbing chairman, how much did QPR increase ticket prices this season? No thanks!
The championship is the best league in the world for me!'

So you don't want us to go up?!

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 25/6/11

Doc: "It's really your personal expectations I'm looking for, not what we are expected to expect as a result of the managements expectations." I'm beginning to suspect that you are the same Doctor Fox who is currently running our armed forces. This is verging on Donald Rumsfeld's 'known unknowns' speech.

OK, I *hope* we confound West Ham fans' blasé belief that they will find the Championship a stroll in the park, and win the division ourselves; I *expect* us to have the resources to achieve automatic promotion; I *believe* that, because we are the footballing gods' chosen people, we will stumble at the last minute, come third or fourth and be subjected to the torment of the play-offs.

Gloria: Monet is not what it used to be. Far from £550 being a lot
of it, that sum would only get you 20.4 square millimetres or so of Le Bassin Aux Nymphéas (at 2008 prices – probably a bit less now).

As for Doctor Fox's wife: as he refers to her as 'expecting' not 'expectant', presumably the labour envisaged was amorous rather than obstetric, and quickly over. The kind wish for "good luck… with your imminent arrival" was doubtless still appropriate, though you might have added "hopefully not *too* imminent".

posted on 25/6/11

Fatfox - your comments on this & other topics are what make this forum worthwhile. Well worth reading and humorous to boot! Keep up the good work. I don't wish to appear sycophantic but you really make my day (+ you are a Leicester fan).

posted on 25/6/11

no, I'm not that bothered wether we stay in the Championship or go up!
I watch my team as often as i can (41 matches last season) and want them to win every week, if we do go up then so be it, I'll still watch them as often as I can, But i still prefer the Championship !

posted on 25/6/11

Aye I know what you mean, the Championship is a great League and arguably the most exciting in the world.

There's upsides and downsides of the Premier League no doubt but it certainly has it's own excitement and I haven't had a lot to brag about since I started supporting Leicester to a serious extent - so for me it would be nice to say we're in the Premiership and brag to our local rivals as well as the many annoying people in Leicester who support Man Utd if we were to beat them!

Plus could you imagine the elation and atmosphere on the day of promotion were we to achieve it? Especially with it being so long since we've been there (by our standards). It's for that as much as anything which makes me desperate for us to go up.

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 26/6/11

The top flight is a pretty miserable place to be if you're in the relegation zone, but not if you can do something better than merely tread water. The MON era is perhaps the most exciting that I can remember. So it's not about getting into the Premiership but what you do once you're there.

I would agree that there's no point in going up if it's just to do what Derby did and miserably drag along the sea bed all season. Nor even to have Blackpool's flush of excitement and find that it was all false hope. But are Stoke's fans sorry to have gone up? I very much doubt it. Would Fulham's fans prefer the Championship? Again, I strongly guess not.

With our current owners, I see no reason why we should not compete with clubs like that, rather than scratch around with Wigan and Wolves to fend off relegation. I don't really see us ever reaching the dizzy heights of fourth place, as we managed when I was a lad, but it would be agreeable to go back the days – and they are not so long ago – when we could win the odd cup. And that's very difficult to pull off if you never progress beyond a Championship squad.

posted on 26/6/11

fatfox that's another great point, the general aim for football clubs (especially one of a decent size such as ours) should be to win trophies. These opportunities will not come along every year for us but you're right, this would be a lot more possible if we were an established top flight team.

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