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Harry And England

Afternoon Lads

I know you must be sick of reading all the posts about Harry will he stay or will he go, if he does go then I am sure 99% of the spurs fans would wish him well, he has turned spurs in my opinion one or two player short of wining the title, he has done a fantastic job and for me knows how to get the best of of players.

Harry comes across as what my wife who is from Essex would say a Top Bloke salt of the earth. I think as much as he would want to manage England he still thinks he has unfinished business with spurs and the support he has been given over the trial could make him stay.

Anyway you will get the wums winding you up but one thing is for sure it won't be a easy decision for him, and I would like to see him stay and finish what he has started.

posted on 9/2/12

I agree that he wouldn't do both, I'd just love to see him do it.

posted on 9/2/12

There's is no way he can do both jobs. Tottenham and England and with a dodgy heart?? No way.

comment by Jinky (U2398)

posted on 9/2/12


Great managers have gone to manage England and when a result s go against them the media turn on him like a bad smell.

Harry is a Gentleman and I think he would do a great job, but working with the FA........Don't do it Harry

posted on 9/2/12

Harry is 64 years old. If we take Capello's reign then that a 4 year job.

If he misses out he'll be 68-69 when the next oppurtunity comes.

Sorry brethrens, but the time has come for Harry to move on to bigger and better things to the Job of his Dreams.

comment by Jinky (U2398)

posted on 9/2/12


dont get me wrong bigger better ???

This is England you are talking about, I mean look how the FA handled the John Terry palaver, also Harry likes the day to day involvment with football he won't get that with England

Lets wait and see

posted on 9/2/12

dont get me wrong bigger better ???

Hang on a sec there. Now lets take our partisan hats off and think this through logically.

How long has Harry been in charge of Tottenham? And exactly what titles have they won in that time? In fact, looking at Tottenham history, what is to mega fantastic about them?

Despite the poison chalice nature of the job, to a true footballing man, the England manager's job is the greatest acheivement he will have, barring winning a tournament.

Like i said, Harry is 64. If he takes the job and ends in 4-5 years he'll be 68-69 and a good career over. Can anybody deny him the oppurtunity? Will Levy stop Harry? Don't think so.

comment by Jinky (U2398)

posted on 9/2/12


If you think England are going to do anything in the European Championships then think again. The world cup prime example Germany destroyed England, and to be honest the team hasn't changed that much.

Hart great for City but s..t For England
Terry if he playes will be bad blood in the team
Lampard and Gerard can't play together and both are not the same player for England as they are for there clubs

Rooney is banned for the first two games but again a hot head

Will Harry get the best out of these players who knows, but the England and the media drain the managers always have always will

posted on 9/2/12

England will never win another tournament as long as i'm alive. Of that i'm confident. But that doesn't mean the job won't inspire english managers to take up the challenge.

If Harry takes charge of the Euro 2012 squad, it'll be a win-win scenario. If England do bad, well Harry hasn't had time to work his magic. If England to good, Harry the Hero.

And let's be honest, with City, United and Chelsea around, neither Tottenham or Arsenal will be winning much as well.

comment by Jinky (U2398)

posted on 9/2/12


I hear were your coming from but English media build the presure on England and when things don't go write they slaughter the team and the manager.

Harry I am sure will be thinking about the job and may be tempted, but its a massive decision he has to make.

As for United and City wining the league all the time, massive debts which I think in years could cost them, also SF won't be at Utd for ever and wouldn't like to be the guy to try and fill his shoes.

Anyway football is a funny old game it always throws suprises

posted on 9/2/12

Harry has just been through 5 years of media scrutiny and a public, humilating trial, and he's come out smelling like roses. I think he'll handle everything the media will throw at him.

I understand Tottenham fans frustrations, but i think Harry has already made his decision, it's just happened 5 months ahead of schedule. Privately, i think Levy has already begun searching for Tottenham's new manager.

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