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You can make a difference March 4 Change

On Saturday 11th February, Leeds United supporters will be meeting at City Square at 1pm, then taking part in a PROTEST MARCH to Elland Road before the match against Brighton.

We encourage every Leeds United supporter who wants to help make a change for the better to join us and march on together. The more fans who join us, the more chance there is of having our voices heard.

We are Leeds and we believe that now is the time for a sustained effort to move forward together; we believe that now is the time for change.



Flyer here -http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150509067556039&set=a.455307531038.247112.168359306038&type=1&theater

posted on 10/2/12

Pags the posh and becks of 606 eh?

Cozer, agreed mate, if thats how you feel give it good march, take a few steps, and shout Bates out for me mate - I do want Bates gone, I just think he'll go when he's ready, i.e in the premiership where he can make a shed load of cash etc... try and not to forget he's a business man not a Leeds fan though, it hurts for us fans I know mate

posted on 10/2/12

wish I could be there, I back the march all the way

posted on 10/2/12

he'll fall out with you over that comment Tusc. He HATES Beckham with a passion even more so that I have a lifesize cut out at home of Becks

comment by Cozer : (U2825)

posted on 10/2/12

Tuscany If you think I'm doing it twice in one day you really are deluded I might manage a shout for you but a few step's no chance.
(I can never work out if you Italians are been snide or not lol)

posted on 10/2/12

was been nice Cozer.... supporting you as a fellow fan, and if you feel its appropriate go for it

snide pah, as if...


comment by Cozer : (U2825)

posted on 10/2/12

Tuscany LOL

posted on 10/2/12

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comment by Cozer : (U2825)

posted on 10/2/12

Tommy that was as funny as uck

posted on 10/2/12

Cozer .... here's my take on the march tomorrow.

I 100% support the right of those taking part to do it. I don't think you'll look daft, but if being honest i don't think it'll achieve what you're after. I understand the reasoning but i do believe you're protesting to the wrong bloke if you think Bates gives a shiiiiiit about it.

Keep it peaceful, keep it to the point and you'll achieve both good press and support from fellow fans.

Those not wanting to join aren't any less of a fan - i won't join as i'm not convinced as stated above it'll makea huge difference. As long as the march doesn't become a vehicle to have a go at fellow fans who choose not to - otherwise it becomes divisive (and Bates wins if that happens).

The reason i back the march is that i can't think of many other options. If it's the way fans won't to protest and show their feelings, then so be it and fair play to them.

Hit Bates in the pocket is a common thought - again, i can see the logic of this. I just reckon he doesn't give a shiiiiiit. The less income coming in, the less he'll spend. He'll do whatever it takes to balance HIS books.

For me the only thing that'll see Bates leave ER is a pine box. He's here to stay unless someone with a shed load of cash is willing to do business with him - would you want to ????

Enjoy the march tomorrow - and hope it has the effect you want it to......

MO (through Leeds) T !!

posted on 11/2/12

Marching or chanting will not hurt Bates.
I fully back anyway to hopefully bring change.
However Bates will only listen to cash.

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