Ok, this is slightly football unrelated, but I was just wondering; how many of you on here, use any of the named devices, to post or make articles, in other words...'Mobile browsing'.
I'd just like to know the % of Smartphones' 'mobile browser', that is mostly used on this forum site.
As for me, when I'm not using my Laptop, I mostly use my BlackBerry 9900 'webkit browser' to post articles, and browse.
So...what mobile platform do you use?
BlackBerry, Android, iOS or other?
☺ ✆
BlackBerry, Android, iOS (Apple) or other?
posted on 10/2/12
posted on 10/2/12
posted on 10/2/12
I can't even be doing with a laptop...
Those finger pads infuriate the bejeesuz outta me
posted on 10/2/12
Honestly, it was like watching your graddad trying to moonwalk at a family wedding
Hillarious stuff, I could make a list of my other half's comments and actions on here and you would pi55 yourselves
posted on 10/2/12
My Missus had a blackberry from work
every time you want to use it you have to put a code in (password)
That's the NHS for you
I't currently residing in a drawer last I knew
posted on 10/2/12
iPod touch 4th gen
Might get a Blackberry some time..maybe in a few months
posted on 10/2/12
iPhone 4, before I got that I used an iPod touch for browsing off the PC. Blackberries are rubbish
posted on 10/2/12
iPhone 4.
posted on 10/2/12
iphone 4 aswell .... iphone is the best the interface and operating system i0s ...... its the fastest android is whack
posted on 10/2/12
iphone is too expensive for me
ipod touch + blackberry = affordable and covers everything