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Cancellation helps Wales, Ireland & England

There was a big push to have the Ireland v Franc game played this coming weekend but unfortunately it seems the logistics of this are too difficult. Ticketing policy etc etc

So the only other weekend available is March the 3rd. Meaning that Ireland and france are set to play 4 consecutive games. That is the down side for Ireland and France. It's a difficult ask for both squads.

There are up sides however.

For Ireland:
Thats same weekend there are major top 14 games happening "and leading clubs are thought to be vehemently opposed to losing their star players"
The games include clashes between Clermont Auvergne versus Toulouse,
Brive against Stade Francais and Agen against Perpignan.

The French clubs are not obliged to release the players so Ireland could end up facing a very badly weakened French side.

Good for Wales:
Because France and Ireland are being forced to play the final 4 game in a row. Meaning by the last weekend (Wales v France) and a possible grand slam or championship decider, France will be again weak due to the gruelling fixture list. The will have played Scotland, Ireland and England before meeting Wales. So a month of really physical rugby.

Don't make the mistake of thinking, well its not unlike the world cup, because its not the same at all. In a group stage of a world cup you can rotate your squad, and save your players against weak opposition. The 6 nations has not weak opposition. Every team plays to win. So for Ireland and France its a very though road ahead.

This could also help England, lets not forget they have won 2 from 2. Albeit not very impressive they are still chasing a title and or grand slam. And they will face a weakened Ireland in twikers.

posted on 14/2/12

News from the French camp...........

This morning, at the same time as the French squad, no changes, was announced for the game v Scotland, Pierre Camou, head bottle washer of the French union, expressed his desire to play the France-Ireland game in September.
Now, I don't for one minute believe M Camou is in any way serious about this idea being accepted, rather he is trying to further deflect blame away from the FFF, and place it squarely on the shoulders of the 6Nations Committee, for the furore which will surely erupt amongst the Top 14 clubs when the game is reschedules for the 1st w/end in March but, it wouldn't be without precedent.
Remember 2001 when the British foot and mouth outbreak, and the Irish government's reaction to it, prevented Ireland playing any of the British nations.
The three games in question were eventually played in September and October.

posted on 14/2/12


Phuuuwarrr what a bloody stupid idea from that guy.

The precedent u mentioned is not so valid really. That was major crisis. This time is a bloody cancellation due to weather conditions. He will be singing from the tree tops before someone buys that load of rubbish.

For sure the only date available is the 3rd of martch. And the french are just going to have to scrap it out on there own about the players being released. Because this is also about 5 other countries who have a championship to play, and a problem with the french clubs cant be allowed to undermine the integrity of the competition. at least not further undermine it after the farce at the weekend

posted on 14/2/12

mot to mention there are heineken cup schedules to be thought about after the 6 nations.

He can take a running jump with that idea

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