1 Why has this billionaire been wearing the same scabby suit and tie (and possibly even shirt) for the past 3 days.
2 Why is he the only billionaire in the world who seems to favour velcro shoes...and why has he been wearing the same beat-up pair for the past 3 days.
3 If he's a billionaire, why doesn't he buy a nice belt. That trouser band turned over, belly hanging oot look is just not right for the successful businessman today.
Have a look at yirsel man.
Craig Whyte --the big questions
posted on 15/2/12
Lot to said for Velcro. Wish I had invented it.
posted on 15/2/12
velcro eh
hes in a bit of a sticky situation
posted on 15/2/12
You seen the big inflatable thing the fans have brought down to Ibrox today, saying, Whyte, we want answers
Was on SSN.
I still can't beleive this is all happening. The most surreal thing was the administrators interview at Ibrox, never thought I would see that.
posted on 15/2/12
You seen the big inflatable thing the fans have brought down to Ibrox today, saying, Whyte, we want answers.
It burst! Pics on the net
posted on 15/2/12
Maybe he goes for the velcro because he doesn't like the look of the eyes in his shoes
posted on 15/2/12
Have to admit I thought they would somehow get out of jail.
posted on 15/2/12
there was a tiny wee motor next to it with the generator.
Whyte is in France troops, yer no getting any answers the day..........
posted on 15/2/12
Lee wee Whytie alane, is a diehard tim who took the fight right into the trenches.
Not his fault the way he is dressed only had a fiver and had to use a pound of that to buy them lock,stock and barrel
posted on 15/2/12
Velcro................it's a rip off.........like Whitey
posted on 15/2/12
"You seen the big inflatable thing the fans have brought down to Ibrox today, saying, Whyte, we want answers."
Daniel Cousin?