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Guys this is not Wengers fault.

yes i may deliver his Pizza and therefore side with him but have we forgotten this was a guy who built the invincible team, found gems like Henry and Cesc squared up against Alex Ferguson when he was at the peak of his power and beat him....yet we now all write him off.

Am not saying he isn't to blame but I truly believe the board is to blame...they dont give me any funds...Silent Stan is a joke...and Wenger was always financially prudent and conservative and it was David Dein who encouraged him to spend...but now that he is gone the board are laughing all the way to the bank.

I may not be right peeps but this is my honest opinion...the sooner silent stan and co pi$$ of out of Arsenal preferably through the back door..(no pun intended) the better.

posted on 18/2/12

posted on 18/2/12

Is it all Wenger's fault? No.

Has Wenger failed to sort out problems which most fans have been noticing for 3-4 years? Yes.


Buying a creative midfielder to help support Cesc.

Buying another centre half.

Buying a goalie (He was possibly justified in not buying one with SZCZ but why didn't we go in for someone like Freidel, who still looks class?)

And now he won't buy a striker, despite showing no faith in Chamakh or Park.

posted on 18/2/12

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posted on 18/2/12

I dont get Arteta too, he is a good top 6 midfielder but never have i seen him play a defence splitting pass and he is not good enough on the European stage...

posted on 18/2/12

The game has changed a bit though. Players seem more motivated by money than pride nowadays, and the whole game revolves around money. I know it's mad to say Wenger doesn't know how it all works - i think he's incredible astute and intelligent, but he has surrounded himself with yes men and lacks the hard hitting transfer policies other clubs have. I don't think Arsene is the only problem by a long way, but I also don't think he's in control at the moment, and he shows no signs of stopping the rot, sadly.

posted on 18/2/12

Arteta is playing a deeper role because Song thinks he's Iniesta. Of course he's not gonna offer much offensively.

posted on 18/2/12

Also when people say he buys average players its not his fault. Yes he buys them and says they can be great but mostly because he can't buy world class players because he doesn't have the funds for it or can't spend it all and who's faults is that.... the BOARD.

posted on 18/2/12

Arteta was poor today. All he did was pass it sideways or does some fancy passing style to the wingers. Never pass it foward. Really dissapointed in him and frustrated mostly when we needed to attack.

posted on 18/2/12

arteta was decent when he was at everton....since he's joined us he has become pants!!

posted on 18/2/12

Like I said he is a good player but not top for material a good squad player to cover for the likes of Wilshere etc...

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