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Paul Buckle Is The New Manager

Torquay United Manager Paul Buckle will be the new Manager of Bristol Rovers.

Its understood that the 40 year old has already signed a contract with Rovers and will become Bristol Rovers new Manager.

Buckle has been Manager of Torquay United since June 2007 and has guided Torquay out of the Blue Square Premier back into the Football League. Under Buckle Torquay have played 224 games, winning 104, Drawing 57 and losing 63 games. Buckle's contract with Torquay runs out in November 2011.

posted on 22/5/11

Cureton and Roberts...that would be good...

posted on 22/5/11

deju vous methinks. how about heffernan and and rory fallen......he left plymouth....

posted on 22/5/11

Rory Fallon's useful, but he probably doesn't want to play in League 2.

posted on 23/5/11

Not Jamie cureton please no!!! We need someone with a few more seasons left in them.

posted on 23/5/11

I don't mind as long as they can get us up at the first attempt.

posted on 23/5/11

A 35 year old who got 17+ goals last season at L1 level would certainly get 20+ at L2 level for the next 2 years at least and would be great to have as a squad player for the younger players.

In L2 experience is better than youth. Just look at Lester for Chesterfield.

posted on 23/5/11

No we need to build a team that will get us up and compete in L1. That means getting a strike force that will learn from each other and develop the sixth sense of each other etc. JC was good and ok 17 goals but he is not our answer.

posted on 24/5/11

Think we need to look towards new players rather than looking to old legends (not that id turn down Jason Roberts!).

p.s. amazing you can even post before 9am

posted on 24/5/11

Old legend or not he is still a 20 goal marksman with one locker full of experience. He's looked brilliant for Exeter this year and dropping down a league will only highlight his qualities even more.

I think it would be a mistake not to sign him. Both top scorers in L2 this year were 30ish+ proving that being young doesnt guarantee you promotion out of this league. We havent had any proper experience for years aside from Campbell and we could do with a couple of old wise heads.

posted on 24/5/11

i agree he is a must for next season.....................

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