So wasn't I called delusional for even mentioning the word takeover yet you're happy to support this fans takeover "bid" like sheep? Is it any wonder I treat you with contempt? The stupidest thing of all is planning it in the event the club gets relegated. That's exactly what I was doing because I knew relegation would ultimately be inevitable under your beloved walkers starving the club (I heard they have donated 5p towards the BRIST "bid") but at least that was planning before the event instead of after!
I wouldn't even call it a "bid" venkys probably don't even know the group exists its that laughable.
Its a nothing group led by a small time businessman who obviously thinks he's looking at a league 2 or conference side. Still that's the way most of you look at Rovers isn't it? I thought Football Club Blackburn were delusional talking about 10,000 seater stadiums.
Oh and I never mentioned a fans group buying the club in any of my takeover related articles. Wonder why? Maybe because firstly I never considered it realistic and secondly I've hardly made my contempt for most of you a secret.
Typical small minded locals with the evil foreigner mindset because of one bad experience. There's more chance of a rich overseas or even domestic owner buying the club if venkys do sell it. The Qataris proved that.
Oh and this is a one off article and no doubt my justifiable question will be ignored. Its a fair question but when was I ever treated with fairness on here or more frequently 606? I probably won't even read the responses you're only worth 5 minutes of contempt.
Oh and there's no point gloating about rovers losing at the weekend. All Rovers did was remember to show up you should be ashamed of that performance. I'm just amazed it was only 3-0 in the end Porto conceded 4 and did more in the first 5 minutes after they went 1 down than Rovers did for 90.
Delusional takeover
posted on 27/2/12
Oh look, Cit fan drunk in his own attention seeking excitement.
I bet Vinjay lets a little bit of wee go in excitement every time he gets a 'parochial' in.
posted on 27/2/12
Hey Vinjay where are you moving to when you leave Blackburn?
posted on 27/2/12
Is this not Mr Pie having a laugh?
posted on 27/2/12
I can't see pie stooping so low to be honest
posted on 28/2/12
I just read through this, every post, and have two main points to consider;
1, why does vinjay ALWAYS start out with "i'm not gonna get worked up because i don't care" or something similar and then inevitably does get wound up, and very much so
2, this thread does have a lot of posts but a number of these are vinjay followed by vinjay followed by vinjay. is this because he/she has another thought to add or to deliberately up the post count?
Before anyone hits out I have been following Rovers since about '97/'98. I started with Rovers for family reasons. I have had to ask before what parochial means but I cannot remember the answer.
posted on 28/2/12
Of or relating to a church parish.
Having a limited or narrow outlook or scope.
narrow - provincial - narrow-minded - parish
He is a WUM and needs to be treated as such. Without replies to fan the flames he generally gets bored and somewhat frustrated and disappears back under his rock until further notice.
posted on 28/2/12
Even Rover has got bored with him!Honest I said Vinjay and the dog started growling something fierce,see he even gets animals worked up.
posted on 28/2/12
posted on 28/2/12
I love it how every single time all opposition fans stay the hell away from Vinjays articles and all Rovers fans give them 1 star. Its like a fundamental law of messageboards.
posted on 28/2/12
Don't feed the troll.