Where best would such an Ad be Placed .. and just who might fill the bill .. Its hard to see our way through to The Championship~ in style without one emerging ..
Why a Brute Well so that when we've 'Lost It' in midfield as we often do he can Go and Butt someone straight in the mouth ~ (Opposition Player OR Indeed one of our own) just to knock some dungdo (oppo) and sense (ours) into him ..
Why Cute .. Simples really.. So that when he takes up this course of Corrective Action he's deft (not daft) enough to ensure the officials don't see it ..
Do you agree .. ? .. If So ~ Just Who might that person be .. ? .. |
Lets have some names of players at any level even if just megabuck impossibles to secure examples of the kind of guy Needed.. Ye know just to give us a feel of whats needed ..