After a show of shame from our board by sacking AVB I today renounce my CHELSEA membership. I am tired of this crap, fck the board, fck the players and fck Chelsea. From a former passionate and emotional Chelsea fan. Bye
posted on 4/3/12
<RobinVanPerMertaelen>, What you did was tu meke, Choice, far tu meke (U3732)
just like pretty much every other chelsea supporter who 'supported them before abramovich'
posted on 4/3/12
comment by Cheese1886 (U12971)
posted 6 minutes ago
it's not your club, it's romans and he can do whatever he wants
Total crap, without the fans you dont have a club
posted on 4/3/12
Because a true fan would stick by their team no matter what. Maybe I interpreted this article wrong, it could be a joke?
posted on 4/3/12
I did not rescind my membership because of the lack of silverware or lack of champions league football, I cannot continue to support the "legends turned prima donnas" I thought we were headed the right way and was preparing for Europa football next season. There's no shame in rebuilding. No rush to greatness, what rubbish from the board ( are Lampard and Cole board members ? )
posted on 4/3/12
Fat Frank and Sleazy Terry
what great leaders you have
posted on 4/3/12
Player power has definatley won the day!
posted on 4/3/12
MAn City could sell out next home game now, with new support they will get
posted on 4/3/12
again reiterating, support for the club not the board or players.
well done for supportign City through tough times, i would do the same for chelsea.
But not with supposed top players who are lazy.
Id rather have a carp team trying hard.
posted on 4/3/12
All part of the club though, I can understand your frustration I can but even when the chips are down you stand up an be counted.
If you feel this strongly then protest, let the players know how you feel, the Terry's sturridges Coles an lampards that in the end did for avb!
The same way the Liverpool players did for hodgeson.
posted on 4/3/12
Chelsea is turning in to a big joke, what's the point of supporting when we the fans don't have a say. I can't remember seeing Chelsea fans stage a protest like liverpool or man u fans. We just pay to watch this crazy prima donnas living on past glory.