and it is not valid, for whatever reason, the error messages are so vague I cant work out what I've done wrong. i end up deleting random words to try to post. at least this one made it.
oh, and COYG
when you try to post an article
posted on 5/3/12
posted on 5/3/12
posted on 5/3/12
i ate an egg once
posted on 5/3/12
I understand.
posted on 5/3/12
I tried using the word póop in an article, but as it was not allowed I just used shít instead.
posted on 5/3/12
posted on 5/3/12
posted on 5/3/12
The one before was far more exciting but I couldnt post it
posted on 6/3/12
That annoys the crap out of me, one tip don't use an asterisk next to any letters. The other thing I do if I am really struggling is sta.rt put.ting fu.ll half way through any words that in some insane way could be considered slightly offensive, if it still doesn't work I put full stops half way through every single word...
If all that fails I write a highly offensive wum article which does pass the word filter!
posted on 6/3/12
haha can the Admins note that this should be changed, it takes up so much time trying to decipher what they arent allowing