Well, we are in a bit of a mess here, aren't we? Fans are divides right through the middle on Coyle, our ability to stay up and the boards ability to make correct choices. Debates have been interesting on here, but I think we are going round in circles.
I was doing some research about motivational speeches for a project that I am doing with a group of young people in Farnworth and I came across the following clip, which I would like to bring to your attention. I feel that it is very apt for Bolton Wanderers football club at this moment in time.
It is a political speech, in general terms, but there are parts that are relevant in life, and being a fan of Bolton Wanderers. I think and hope that it is something that we can all agree on. A middle ground where nothing else matters if we have hope.
Please try to edit out the politics within this speech. It is the relevance to yourselves as people and your support of BWFC that I am interested in.
Apologies if you don't like this man. But whether you like him or not, what he says is extremely interesting.
If there was any way to motivate the fans and players, this is it.
I hoe you enjoy it.
The Audacity of Hope
posted on 8/3/12
Indeed we do. I hope that the team see video clips like this before matches. It would certainly get me motivated.
posted on 8/3/12
Hope is just a belief - much the same as religion, in a lot of cases, a denial of what's observed. (in my personal opinion).
For me the reality is......when we have had runs of bad results, there has always always been the feeling that there is a plan, under Allardyce it was, priority clean sheets!, under megson much the same. However under Coyle.....im left with a void, what is he trying to achieve, do the players actually go out with instruction. My observations suggest not, and until evidence of this is present my "faith" in coyle is at an all time low. However i am still of the view.. who would we realistically replace him with (id of taken warnock)
on a positive note......oh wait, there arent many for BWFC at minute
posted on 8/3/12
much the same as religion, in a lot of cases, a denial of what's observed.
I hope that you have watched the YouTube article. If you haven't, I would ask you to, if you can find the time and listen to the speaker.
I feel that he answers your point directly and quite influentially.
posted on 8/3/12
Especially listen to the bit where he suggests that everything that has been done in America since it began, has been achieved because somebody, somewhere was willing to hope.
We can get out of relegation this season. We can avoid it and build in the summer. Have our best 2 players back and build on that. I am willing to hope for that, and I bet there are a fair few others, fans and players, that are willing to do the same.
posted on 8/3/12
IMO I agree with Obama- hope is the most wish for the most optimistic outcome in any given scenario. Therefore it is based on realism. Anything that fits outside this is a dream.
We can all hope to get out of the situation we are in, because there are enough games left. It is realistic,
albeit at the optimistic end of the scale.
Without hope we would be all miserable, resigned to our position and seemingly inevitable fate. Personally I will retain my hope, and continue to believe we will get out of this mess - where there's hope, there's a chance.
We are 2 points and a few goals of the pace- On sat tea time this may be very different, in either direction. lets hope its in our favour!
posted on 8/3/12
hope is the wish for the most optimistic outcome in any given scenario...
posted on 8/3/12
However, there are many people, some of who are regular posters on this forum, that would rather be miserable down-beat and depressed. Hope takes them out of their comfort zone to a place that is very alien to them and where they don't know what will happen next. Some people prefer to be miserable and depressed because at the very least they know where they are and they know what to expect.
TRR: I've not managed to listen to the speech today. I have heard it before and it is inspirational and so true. I will listen to it again later so thank for posting it. My point above stands though. There will be people who will empathise with it because they too hope and there will be those that won't understand it because hope is alien to them.
posted on 8/3/12
Talking of dreams:
posted on 9/3/12
Definition again is a stumbling block. I understand hope to be a form of belief, and even if based on realism, the reality is an optimistic view is by definition not realistic, so essentially contradict themselves. I havent yet watched the video, but i will give it a watch tneet.
The mention about America being succesful, i dont see as hope, hope infers a lack of control, i.e out of your hands. Where as "aspiration" i feel is a better way to describe americas fortunes.
Essentially, my aspirations for bolton is to survive and become succesful, however my hope i.e belief is that it is not achievable with Owen Coyle. i hate sayin that, coz i like coyle as a person, but i dont believe he is up for the job.
Im also not sure the video will have much of an influence on me, i will wait and see. but im not someone easily inspired, i have to see that the inspirer in most cases has no personal objective, which is rare.
posted on 10/3/12
A well put point, and I agree with a lot of what you have written- since you asked (?!?) I would change my definition to: Hopes limit, not its definition, is is the most optimistic scenario in any situation.
Deep, I know.
Personally I think aspiration is directly related to hope, perhaps its little brother! It is, for me, the idea that you want to be something, or improve yourself (or club/son/family etc) in someway, and often that comes down to an element of control, which I agree with you 100%. Ultimately It comes down to semantics, and a subjective one at that (agree- definition is a stumbling block!)- but personally I don't feel a lot of control over Boltons success, and therefore I feel hope is a better term i.e.- Bolton wise decisions are made by 3 or 4 shareholders and the board, and I am not one of them, so no control - i don't sign players/managers/sort out wage structures/injuries etc - so for me I feel all I am left with is hope. Hope that with the manager and players we have we can survive. I think the lack of control is what we as football fans like. It is unpredictable, and therefore brilliant.
As it happens I agree with you about Coyle. I think he has ALOT to prove, but he isn't going to go this season if I boo him or if I cheer him, so i make a calculated decision, my best chance of controlling our aspiration, (which i am sure you have too) that if we cheer the team they are more likely to get results.
Anyway, too much red wine for me tonight. Night all.