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Mancini faces a mutiny

From his top players. It's in the gossip column because of having to train in the sweltering heat of Portugal. His players are exhausted and are mutinous. I told you that this little house of cards would come tumbling down didn't I? I'm just waiting for it to happen. There's no love or loyalty where' there's money and that's all that club is.....money.

posted on 13/3/12

I've said it before and i'll say it again. Roberto Mancini is a very poor manager. Even though the players he manages happen to be mercenary 's, they still require an good level of people skills to manage.

You cannot have a manager who's first port of call is to publically lambast his players on live tv.

Btw, morning Dawn, you sexy sweet cheeks.

posted on 13/3/12

Serial.. dont you think that players get to much protection now days. Players seem to think they are bigger than the club and very few care about the fans ?

Had for yrs at spurs where players were putting in no effort and just taking the wages so for me if a manger feels he needs to come out and have a go at players thats fine, long as he has already tried to solve the problem in private before that

And leave dawn alone you stalker ,laugh>

posted on 13/3/12


For me a top top manager would never criticise his players on live tv. The Tevez saga is a good example. Despite the wrong that Tevez had done, Mancini should NEVER had stated on the post-match interview that Tevez would meer play for them again.

If it was any other top manager, they would have shunned the question and dealt with the matter in private. City will probably have to recall Tevez to reignite their flawed title challenge. How stupid does Mancini look now.

P.S. Dawn is my dirty fantasy. To stop thinking about her is to stop visiting pornhub.com.

posted on 13/3/12

I think man city have backed down with Tevez, the way he treated the club and fans was a disrace and to claim he was treated like a dog

What do do you know that earns £200 k plus a week and can walk out on their employer and still expect to get paid

Players have lost touch with the normal fans on the street who spend most of their spare money following the club

posted on 13/3/12

You both have good taste in the opposite gender. A manager should never criticize his players publicly,it humiliates them and makes them play badly. It's not as if the internal affairs of any club is the public's concern are they? Utd are going along quietly whereas City are shouting from the rooftops and getting the wrong publicity. I'm not sure whether Mancini will survive another full season. As I posted yesterday before all this gossip,this squad will soon split up.

posted on 13/3/12

You both have good taste in the opposite gender.

Does that mean i get to taste you Dawn?

posted on 13/3/12

Lol, Spurs fans are so precious! Forget about the top of the league Dawn, your lot need to concentrate on qualifying for Europe. Levy will be selling the family silver (Bale, Modric) to balance the books if you FAIL to qualify yet again!!!!!

@ Spurs

posted on 13/3/12

Books are balanced already ..idiot

posted on 13/3/12

Mamcunium Turdis,you're not top of the league Utd are.

posted on 13/3/12

"wearethe" So do you think you will improve next season then, new manager, new forwards, possibly losing your best 2 players if no CL? But of course that doesn't matter as long as the books are balanced....... But wait haven't you been giving it to the Arsenal fans because they havent won anything for a while? They not only balance their books they've built a shiny new stadium!!

"Dawn" Sorry can I only express an opinion if the team I support are top? Must have missed that rule. Back to the point, just how will Mancini facing a mutiny from the players affect City's run in(lost 4 all season) and more importantly why have your loyal, minimum wage earning, free flowing, exciting attacking team, managed to lose their last 3 games?

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