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Should ben cockayne be sacked or not

Should hull krs ben cockayne be sacked or not. A very difficult question,he seems unable to keep out of trouble,mostly of his own making.The incident of the assault in normanton where he just escaped jail,the alledged racist incident on facebook,and now this.
Anyone who has watched the state of origin in australia must have been in awe of the amazing performances of paul gallen and could only dream of him playing for your club,but paul gallens catalogue of offences on and off the pitch make ben cockayne look an angel.What do we all think.?

posted on 30/6/11

He does seem to be often bringing the clubs name down, this needs to be considered and potentially what next he will do.

Keep letting them off and they think hey whatever goes, never learn.

posted on 30/6/11

He seems like a loose cannon KR could probably do without... And to answer the op's question, if he was 1/2 as good as Gallen then this question wouldnt be getting asked.... as it is he's an average SL player and isn't worth the hassle to the Rovers....

posted on 30/6/11

It appears this fella has some serious issues he needs to deal with.

A shame, cos he does have a lot of talent. He needs to realise he's not just some roughhouse toe-rag from the estates - he's privelaged enough to have a talent which pays quite well. But with that comes the responsibility of being an ambassador for his club and the game as a whole.

I suggest he goes away, sits down, has a word with himself, grows the f**k up and sorts his life out. When he's done, Bradford will probably take him in

posted on 30/6/11

but isnt he just some roughhouse toe-rag from the estates who happens to play rugby league¿???

posted on 1/7/11

If you don't like me sending 'JOKES' then just say Jen (which you never have, but have sent me "LOL" replies)

Jokes are just that, Jokes. Nothing malicious about them, but what Cockayne said was in malice.

From the way you are talking, it's as if you're defending everything he has done. I don't think it will be the end of his career, but his career at KR it should be

comment by essenby (U7579)

posted on 1/7/11

Talk about blowing things out of all proportion! Some people on here should apply for jobs as tabloid reporters.

Even the local rag in Hull has now dropped the "racist remarks" tag for the more accurate "racially offensive remarks" - and if you can't (or won't) see adifference there then no amount of explanation will help you.

The latest event probably wouldn't have even made the rag if it weren't for the fact that he was involved. And at the time of writing, there is still no evidence that he had been drinking, or driving (let alone combining the 2) and little evidence of any criminal activity as he wasn't even arrested.

Lets wait and see what, if any actual "guilt" can be attached before we hang him eh? Only then can any decision be made fairly and justifiably.

posted on 2/7/11

oh hang him anyway.


comment by jen (U2981)

posted on 2/7/11

7579, very well said, in agreement 100%

comment by jen (U2981)

posted on 2/7/11

offy, the LOL replies are not sent to any racist jokes you send, I never pass them on as they are not to my taste, jokes or not, its not the kind of thing I personally want to be associated with, however I am not saying you have done anything wrong in sending them, thats entirely your perogative, just think its a little two faced to send them, then slate him for a remark, to me, it wasnt malicous, it was an off the cuff remark although havent read his exact comments, just going off whats been reported

posted on 2/7/11


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