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For The FIrst Time Have to disagree with

Lionel Messi.

How can he put Rooney above the likes of Silva, Yaya Toure, Gareth Bale, Mata and Drogba?

My gut feeling tells me he is just returning the favour for Rooney's tweet a few days ago stating "Messi is the best ever"

posted on 16/3/12

"a human"

posted on 16/3/12

You're not making any sense and some of the words you've spelt wrong and I can't make them out.

posted on 16/3/12

species? You sound like a deformed donkey to me
and you sound like thirsty camel Trapped in a desert with no oasis in the sight.

posted on 16/3/12

You're not making any sense and some of the words you've spelt wrong and I can't make them out
no wonder. A way of communicating between "humen" and some of Man U fans has not been discovered/ invented as of now wait till the evolution takes it due course.

posted on 16/3/12

Ronaldo > Messi

posted on 16/3/12

posted 32 seconds ago
Ronaldo > Messi
we don't usually hear people say Ronaldo is the best ever or even best in his generation for that matter, or do we?

posted on 16/3/12

I just said it.

posted on 16/3/12

Comment Deleted by Article Creator

posted on 16/3/12

posted 14 minutes ago
I just said it.
it's a one off.

comment by (U3545)

posted on 16/3/12

the greatest player in the world ever has not been defined yet people say that maradona is well he did not score 1/3 the goals that pele did he won 1 world cup pele won 3 with no hands so much for going on stats, ronaldinho great goals far and between but not the greatest,galactic ronaldo best ever got lost in the shufle,cristiano ronaldo breaking records in madrid including fat ronaldo'sstay tuned, messi still has to proove alot more before being considered especially his country team.

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