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These 66 comments are related to an article called:

Brian Kennedy Bid Rejectd

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posted on 29/3/12

Celtic have a foreign investor. Why should we be against it?

posted on 29/3/12

Because of the point I made at the end of the OP?

posted on 29/3/12

Rangers FC... made in China

posted on 29/3/12

We've got a Scottish owner now and look where its got us. A foreign owner couldn't do any worse than the current incumbent.

posted on 29/3/12

That's fine. I was simply asking.

I certainly don't think the American group is the answer though judging by comments from fans of other clubs where they've been involved.

posted on 29/3/12

Who am I to judge who'd be best for the club. I just hope that the administrators can do a better job than SDM did last time.

posted on 29/3/12

Craig Whyte still owns rangers, he'll decide who buys the club.

posted on 29/3/12

what is happening with Craig Whyte then?? has he just left or waa?.

and if he does still own the club, will he make any money on the sale or even be allowed to keep it?

he just came in, messed up and disappered. nice one.

its a bit of a shambles tbh

posted on 29/3/12

He owns the club although I read something on here that he is now listed as a preferred creditor.

For what? A pound???

Can they not even afford to pay that back

posted on 29/3/12

Craig Whyte will make £1 from his sale of Rangers, no more.

posted on 29/3/12

its a bit of a shambles tbh

- - - - -

no flies on you eh BC?

posted on 29/3/12

You're absolutely right Zico and he sure as hell wont sell to Paul Murray so the Blue Knight's bid is all but dead in the water.

That leaves two options: sell to whoever offers him the most money for his shares; or liquidation.

Now, it would take a brave man (or a foolish one) to buy a football club in administration with big debt and a potentially huge tax bill coming their way.

posted on 29/3/12


If he trousered the Ticketus money, he's already made a lot more than £1.

posted on 29/3/12

fokbaik, you're not familiar with sarcasm are you?

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 29/3/12

isnt Craig Whyte owed £18m after paying Lloyds??

posted on 29/3/12

Anyone else utterly bored to tears with all the non stop speculation and guesswork? It's absolutely chronic!!

At least the phanny in town at lunchtime was still immense

posted on 29/3/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 29/3/12

"comment by PaisleyBlueNose (U4517)
posted 8 minutes ago
Craig Whyte will make £1 from his sale of Rangers, no more."


posted on 29/3/12

Pointy - You been out there for a wander? Snatch everywhere

posted on 29/3/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 29/3/12

Link that the OP should've included

posted on 29/3/12


My great uncle. Isn't genetic inheritance a wonderful thing

posted on 29/3/12


His body only weighed seven stone, his caawk weighed 8.

posted on 29/3/12

It's not a great thing when the girls complain about accomodating my girth Policy.

posted on 29/3/12

Brian Kennedy didn't have enough money to buy Hibs FFS!!! I have a strong feeling Rangers won't be sold and liquidation is coming with Snaw as the preferred creditor...you heard it here first

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