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Anyone worried?

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posted on 1/7/11

The priority should be to KEEP our first team players mainly fabregas.

If we sell him then we are messed up big time. He would leave a huge hole. I'm worried we could sell him on the cheap.

posted on 1/7/11

Nasri is off - why do you think we're signing Gervinho? He'll take the No.8 shirt and play on the left of the front three with Walcott or Arshavin on the right.
Fabregas couldn't survive another summer. The majority of fans now have heard enough about 'Barca DNA'. Who cares what Cesc wants, what about what we want. A captain that is committed to the team for starters!

Clichy will be gone by Monday and good riddance. If these 3 players were as good as they think they are why have they got nothing to show for it? Rattles out of prams. Spoilt brats. We gave them a platform to develop their skills, we trained them, we nurtured them, we believed in them, we honoured their contracts and then they dump on us from a height. I for one won't be sorry to see the back of all 3. We should take the money - but it needs to be re-invested on QUALITY, EXPERIENCED AND COMMITTED players.

posted on 1/7/11

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posted on 1/7/11

Clichy and Nasri are both as good as gone, talks will commence properly with Nasri this weekend but I feel that he doesn't want to sign and wants to join another club. Seriously I couldn't care less if they left, clichy is just a mistake waiting to happen and Nasri is just too inconsistent and overrated by too many people.

We will sign around 4 players minimum with Gervinho already being the first. I reckon we will see Alvarez a new left back and a center back.

posted on 1/7/11

are gervinho and alvarez an improvement on nasri and fabregas?????????????

Surely our attack will be weaker.

posted on 1/7/11

Gervinho is more effective than Nasri, we will be much more dangerous on counter-attacks with gervinho and walcott on the flanks. Nasri just slows down play too much and can never find the killer pass.

Alvarez can play anywhere in midfield so he is going to be good utility player for us and a better option than rosicky. If anybody replaces Cesc it is ramsey.

posted on 2/7/11

" If anybody replaces Cesc it is ramsey"

come on surely we must re-invest if Cesc leaves otherwise we're in trouble!

posted on 2/7/11

" If anybody replaces Cesc it is ramsey"

come on surely we must re-invest if Cesc leaves otherwise we're in trouble!


Please name me one player at the level of Cesc? Wait please, there are no one except Xavi. This is why the whole world is after him.

posted on 2/7/11

Please name me one player at the level of Cesc? Wait please, there are no one except Xavi. This is why the whole world is after him.
As true as this is, you are forgetting that we will be getting 35-40 million (hopefully) and for that we can definetly get someone better than ramsey. For too long we have been talking about building players up, nurturing them etc.

Enough of that! lets go out there, get some quality and win something!

posted on 2/7/11

I am not talking necessarily straight away, Ramsey has all the characteristics and potential ability of cesc. He is the cesc replacement simple as that.

posted on 2/7/11

ramsey is a good prospect, but nor he or wilshere has the ability to consistently create chance after chance.

So i don't know where the creativity will come from. Unless wenger in thinking of playing arshavin in the hole with gervinho and walcott on the wings.

and RVP upfront

posted on 2/7/11

Ramsey is a special prospect, can't think of any other central midfielders like him in england. He has the ability to make the killer pass and his vision is excellent. With that he has lots of stamina and always works hard.

posted on 2/7/11

Cesc is as good as gone. And frankly I have had enough of hearing about his desire to play for Barca for 2 years now. What about what Arsenal desire?

Clichy is going to City for 7M.

Nasri can go to hell for all I care. He is completely ungrateful, disrespectful money-grabber. He wants Cesc type money for a good 3 months of performance. A good old bidding war between United, Chelsea and some European clubs with him going to an European club for 20+M would be ideal.

posted on 2/7/11

anyone worried?

why not? As an Arsenal I should worry when I find things going the way I don't expect. True Arsenal fan should worry about the team and air his views. I worry too much for my dog let alone Arsenal mate. what are u talking about?

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