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These 23 comments are related to an article called:

robson greene

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posted on 9/4/12

posted on 9/4/12

he's done this for 4 years getting paid for it. lucky get.

posted on 9/4/12

i been der.

posted on 9/4/12

florianopolis. i been here.

no sh11t the seas can get rough

posted on 9/4/12

the waves

posted on 9/4/12

that's a poxy looking fish.

posted on 9/4/12

i havent been here

posted on 9/4/12

this programme is reallyshit.

posted on 9/4/12

i swam with dolphins in tanzania. they swim round in pods, and the one in the middle signals to the others when to go to the surface. i know it. i saw it.

posted on 9/4/12

an hour ? i'd knock it on the head.

posted on 9/4/12

i saw catfish in brazil at fox iguaza. bigger than that one.

posted on 9/4/12

foz iguaza.

bout the same size actually.

posted on 9/4/12

i hope someone finds this thread one day and gets something out of it.

posted on 9/4/12

it has to be said, robson greene is a right twatt.

posted on 9/4/12

nelson pique

posted on 9/4/12


ba ba bida
da ba dee ba deeba
bada dee bada daba doooo

de ba dee ba
de be daba dippa doo

ooooo oo ahhhh

oo ahhh
oh ah
oh ah
oh ah

oooooooo adiba aaaaaaghhh

ooo aghh
oo agh
oo agh
oo agh

dibba debba....

im really good at singing that

posted on 9/4/12

a turtle tried to mate with me in australia

posted on 9/4/12

he cant understand you you

posted on 9/4/12

i been there. copacabana beach

weather was nicer though

posted on 9/4/12

my sunglasses got knocked off by a wave on copacabana beach.

i went back into the sea a couple of minutes later, and found them in about 3 foot of water.

noone on the beach knew what i was yelling about.

posted on 12/4/12

Haha nice comment, but have you got any unwanted or old potatoes just lying around your house? Well at cash for potatoes we can turn those in to cold hard Wonga!

Just simply send your potatoes into this freepost sack and we'll get your money to you within 72 hours! Just listen to these testimonies:

John Everyman: "I was unemployed and struggling to meet the bills on time when I decided to give cash for potatoes a try. I just found all my unwanted potatoes and sent them in the attractive freepost sack and hey presto! 50 smackers! My kids don't even mind that I spent it all on scratch cards! Thanks cash for potatoes!"

Sheila Realwoman: "It was so quick and easy. All I did was steal Farmer Mammary's potatoes from his field and sent them to cash for potatoes. Now I have enough money for all those operations I need."

Guy Friendly: "I was going to eat the potatoes but now I can buy better potato based products to eat"

You see! Why stay being poor! Remember cash for potatoes is a real organisation and not a front for a goblin controlled terrorist group. So act now! Right now! We have operators somewhere.


posted on 31/5/12


Some more testimonies from happy punters;

Larry Headknapp: Yeah, triffic. I found some players lying around who are actually, really really worth about £50- £150 m and I sent them off to -----cash4potatoes.com----------
and now I can afford to go to the "Twitchies R us" away day at Hunstanton De Janieros.

posted on 31/5/12

i hope someone finds this thread one day and gets something out of it.


I just found it and read honestdapster - the dark lord of tap shall rise again(U6938) 's member page.
Either I had some bad weed last night or he did when he wrote that. I did giggle though.
Honestdapster, you are a strange, strange man. I salute you.

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