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Who would you buy then?

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comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 4/7/11

There's nobody left, Leicester and Cardiff are signing everyone.

Ironic isn't it. Those people who got shafted by those two debt dodgers must be delighted to see the transfer updates!

posted on 4/7/11

Fair point Lloyd, Leicester annoy me than Cardiff do though. It seems that they are doing what I think Man City do, they dont really want a player they only bid cause one of their rivals show an interest.

Moving on though Lloyd, with what is left who would you go for?

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 4/7/11

Well, I like the list, apart from Lewington, that you put forward although Maynard and Parr are linked with Leicester! Gradel is linked with someone else too and I think I read that Whelan was signing with someone else too.

We've been linked to Routledge (as have Leicester!) who'd be great but I really want a centre half and centre mid with experience. I don't rate McKenna but we'll miss his nouse.

posted on 4/7/11

who would you like at centre mid then?

posted on 4/7/11

I think we need someone really busy in there...a whelen type. win it back and passes 5 yards to the player who can play i.e Magic or Mcgugan.

Thats why I thought Whelen, I know Andrews has been linked with us but I dont think I would take him especially not for 2 million.

I think Greening wont have the legs to do it

Every good team has that kind of player, and its the reason why Arsenal have not won anything for years....

posted on 4/7/11

agreed, don't know much about whelan, but we need that type of player. moussi looked like it at times last season, but he is far too inconsistent.

posted on 4/7/11

Its such a shame about Moussi, when I first watched him play I truly thought he was a find, then I watched him again and I could played aswell as he did. If he was consistently as good as he can be though I dont think he would be playing for Forest.

As a left back wouldnt it worth looking at the likes of Matt Taylor, I have always thought he is underatted and might be worth a cheeky bid

posted on 4/7/11

yeah, moussi looks awesome in patches. when we first signed him, and for a while this season. towards the end though he was shocking, it was like he forgot which side he was on.

posted on 4/7/11

would anyone go for Mackail Smith, I just read on Sky Sports that Brighton have won his signature, that seems an odd choice by him, I thought he was going to give a shot at the big time?

posted on 4/7/11

he looks a good player. i just read he was off to leicester. so god knows.

posted on 4/7/11

actually, it looks like he is confirmed for brighton. maybe he was promised first team football. and brighton might surprise a few people next year, they're a good side.

posted on 4/7/11

I agree I think the teams come up are very strong this year.

Although I still think he could have done better than Brighton. Although shows their intent and we should be doing that surely.

posted on 4/7/11

That's a weird one. West Ham, QPR, Leicester and Norwich all showed an interest, or bid, and he chooses Brighton!

A very small step forward.

posted on 4/7/11

Agreed, also Didnt Everton show an interest in him aswell?

I am not quite sure I would left for Brighton unless he is that way inclined.

comment by Dwayne (U1619)

posted on 4/7/11

The lad is homosexual

comment by LloydX (U6993)

posted on 5/7/11

Now Calderwood is coming back maybe he'll bring Thornhill back. Centre mid problem solved.


I'd like Andrews and think he's a solid player, not at £2M though!

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