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These 7 comments are related to an article called:

celtic, pumped by 11 Aussie fishermen

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posted on 4/7/11

Ye should have titled this article ' Boomerang '......

It'll be coming back tae smash ye in the kipper anytime soon

posted on 4/7/11

And Titanic should know about boomerangs, there must have been plenty whistling around the Celtic posts at the end of last season!!

posted on 4/7/11


i see you still seem to enjoy failure and defeats

i think the only way your mob would question the gargoyle is if he said i wwas only kidding i love rangers and proddies

posted on 4/7/11

Lads, Is Gordy panic buying??

Giving Healy,Kerkar and weir new deals.

It's starting to look like a biscult tin not a warchest.

posted on 4/7/11

Biscuit Tin !!!! Ortiz, Livermore and Kumalo thats La Liga and EPL quality - none of yer championship freebies bhoyo

ohh yes - tap qualitae for the Gers - biscuits yee say - 3 Fondant Fancies all in one day will do nicely

posted on 4/7/11


we dont panic down the champions way, thats for liewwell, he has gazzumped us about 5 or 6 times during the skint years i acn only think of one who was a success for half a season, they rest were flops, now that is panic buying, how many times did sir walter conn him

posted on 4/7/11

So are they two lads from spurs are tap qualitae???


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