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Todays the day

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posted on 21/4/12

Its a rarity, but i'm quietly confident on this one.

Even though i did predict a 1-1 draw in RRP's prediction thread.

posted on 21/4/12

me too, most confident I have been in a while tbh. I reckon QPR will bend over for us, and doesnt Hughes have an appalling record vs us?

posted on 21/4/12

Morning men.

I have been away all week once again, and over there they do not smile on staff members using work P.C's to banter the day away on football forums such as this one.

I think this could well be a season defining game, lets be honest here, lose this and its back to Thursday night live again.

posted on 21/4/12

posted on 21/4/12

I'm struggling to be anything other than nervous about today.. this is just too important. <bitingnails>

posted on 21/4/12

Me too Bales. They are fighting for their lives, and we're struggling to motivate ourselves. It's going to be a squeaky bum bum game

posted on 21/4/12

It's time for some of our players to man up and justify their massive wages. If I were Darth I'd be dropping heavy hints about bringing in performance related pay

comment by Mack (U6574)

posted on 21/4/12

Not a chance. We will lose 2 - 0

posted on 21/4/12


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