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These 21 comments are related to an article called:

Who will don support

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posted on 24/4/12

Thought you were sorry yesturday for having a go at people...... Now your off again .. ?

Don is Tottenham through and through

posted on 24/4/12

good one

posted on 24/4/12

im sorry for " real fans" i had a go at, not at people who support us and shout how great we are when its easy to and then when things go wrong just slaughter everyone they loved 6 weeks ago

posted on 24/4/12

You been drinking again ...........

posted on 24/4/12

you cant argue my point then i guess

posted on 24/4/12

Mate.. you went off on one the other night, said sorry the next day and now your off again having a go at Don

so what is your point ?

posted on 24/4/12

i just said, i was sorry to the real fans i had a go at, not 1s like don who over react to everything,

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 24/4/12

fight the good fight sandro.

posted on 24/4/12

Listen... I said 3 months ago that Harry should go if he wanted the England job as i knew it would ruin our season along with other things

harry has completly messed up big time and have been to enough games in my life to know that when your at games you put more into getting behind the team, but this is a internet forum for people to express their views and most of us are damm angry right now

We can`t all have the same views, nor should we but thats all they are at the end of the day

I express my views but i dont believe that mine are the only ones that count or that im always right, its just my point of view

Making a article about someone in a negative way is just childish ........

But that is just my view

posted on 24/4/12

To be fair don is a muppet

posted on 24/4/12

Again that is your opinion

He speaks highly of you by the way

Why dont you filter him and then you wont hav eto make silly childish articles about him that no one wants to read

then we can all get on with supporting Tottenham

posted on 24/4/12

I know he's not a fan of mine but that's because I'm not a fickle fan like himself.

I haven't made any articles about him?

posted on 24/4/12

Sorry thought you were the other sandro.. didnt see the full name

Im coming off here, let you two carry on ..

posted on 24/4/12

Look I'm not here just to cause arguments I actually just want to get on with posting, but because I dared to criticise an opinion of Don's he hurled some insults at myself and then blocked me from posting a response.

Even as someone wo doesn't mind him you have to understand my grievances towards him

posted on 24/4/12

he is sandro totally,

posted on 24/4/12

Not have a problem with you both having a problem with anyone or them having a problem with you but to make articles about the person is not what this site is about

Just filter the person and leave it at that

posted on 24/4/12

That's a fair enough comment. Just to ensure you know I have never made an article purely for criticising a poster and the argument I have with Don is purely in one other article.

I don't believe we need to filter each other as I don't think I'm a troublemaker and I honestly don't believe he is but I'm just trying to get the opportunity to at least respond to his comments regarding myself and attempt to clear the air.

posted on 24/4/12

Are you watching the chelsea game ?

posted on 24/4/12

Yep I'll head over to the LAC thread now

posted on 25/4/12

posted on 25/4/12


He'll support Chelsea IMO

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