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Rule 66 - Transfer Embargo

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posted on 26/4/12

PBN if the rules were being applied fairly you would be playing a youth team right now.

Wind it in.

Which rule hasn't been applied that has prevented this Tim, seems a shocking oversight by everyone.

posted on 26/4/12

Nah youse are Dignity fc..nooo

Youse have cheated every fooker..it's simple pay up or GTF and suffer

posted on 26/4/12


posted on 26/4/12

People within football seemed genuinely shocked when this decision arrived?
So far thats Mark Hateley and Ally McCoist

posted on 26/4/12

Nah youse are Dignity fc..nooo

Youse have cheated every fooker..it's simple pay up or GTF and suffer

We're trying Charlie, but it seems everyone keeps inventing new sanctions or re-writing rules stopping us from doing it.

posted on 26/4/12

Oh, point of order. We've cheated noone, we are struggling to pay people, but then when the SFA demands cash from you, taking away from others, what can you do?

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 26/4/12


posted on 26/4/12

PBN your back 4 on Sunday won't have been paid for.

When Motherwell went into admin they sacked or sold all their seniors.

Why? Because admins need to pay creditors first.

Portsmouth got smacked with an embargo.

I know, this is Scotland. I imagine the logic behind the embargo was basically the fact that it would have disgusted anyone with a sense of decency if Rangers signed players next season after what they have done.

You are lucky it wasn't more severe.

posted on 26/4/12

"We've cheated noone.." you forgot morning and night

posted on 26/4/12

PBN your back 4 on Sunday won't have been paid for.

When Motherwell went into admin they sacked or sold all their seniors.

Why? Because admins need to pay creditors first.


The sack/sold their players because they couldn't pay them. If the players agreed to slash their wages like Rangers players did, they could have kept them.

Oh Motherwell were allowed to agree a CVA that shafted creditors, Rangers on the other hand have new rules made up and unheard of sanctions applied on the hoof.

posted on 26/4/12

We're trying what PBN?? You won't get a CVA. Youse have had a couple of months to find a buyer..D&P have no one they keep feeding youse shiiit..HMRC will go to court and get D&P removed.

comment by Jinky (U2398)

posted on 26/4/12


I don't know how they have come up with this but bottom line il ask you the question will all the debt Rangers are in, just say next year they do a newco do you think it's Right that Rangers go out and buy or loan players again?

I have said on earlier post if you are demoted to division 3 will big players want to play for you come to think of it I only see Rangers using there youth, plus you could be out of Europe for a couple of seasons which again will cost the club

posted on 26/4/12

So how did they arrive at a transfer embargo?
They had a meeting.

I'm sure I've been bleating on about the fact that the SFA are and have always been pretty shoddy for years.

No wonder the late Paul McBride took them to the cleaners.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 26/4/12

Don't mention Rangers and hoof in the same sentence ffs!!!

posted on 26/4/12

The world according to Charlie, must be great knowing the future.

What are the lottery numbers?

A CVA is obtainable, if it wasn't for new rules and sanctions being made up on the hoof.

posted on 26/4/12

Are you yer get a CVA now???

Don't moan at the SFA..what about blaming,Minty,Whyte and Waldo for this mess

posted on 26/4/12

PBN where does it say you CAN NOT impose an transfer embargo?

posted on 26/4/12

comment by Bhoyzilla (U9600)
posted 30 seconds ago
So how did they arrive at a transfer embargo?
They had a meeting.

I'm sure I've been bleating on about the fact that the SFA are and have always been pretty shoddy for years.

No wonder the late Paul McBride took them to the cleaners.

I wonder if they even read the rules before making up random sanctions.

Rule 2 requires Rule 1 to be broken but we're found Not Proven in Rule 1.

Rule 66 doesn't provide for transfer embargos yet they made that up.

posted on 26/4/12


posted on 26/4/12

comment by CelticBridge (U13632)
posted 7 seconds ago
PBN where does it say you CAN NOT impose an transfer embargo?

It lists the sanctions available, why do that if you can just make up them as you see fit?

You do understand how rules and procedures work right?

posted on 26/4/12


They could have left it at

Rule 1 - Do as we say, or we'll punish you as we see fit.

Glad you don't run the game.

posted on 26/4/12

A CVA is obtainable, if it wasn't for new rules and sanctions being made up on the hoof.

It certainly makes you less attractive to a potential bidder and does you no favours.....But let's face it, a CVA is very, very unlikely at this point.

Your unattractiveness is really down to a potential club ending tax case and huge debts.

I know of 6 people(not personal friends) who are die hard Rangers fans. They could all put in £5m a piece to buy the club and not miss it.

It basically is poison at the moment. A liquidation event would benefit Rangers hugely in the long run.

posted on 26/4/12

So what has happened with Whyte and Rangers is not a special set of circumstances then?

posted on 26/4/12

I wonder if they even read the rules before making up random sanctions.

Rule 2 requires Rule 1 to be broken but we're found Not Proven in Rule 1.

Rule 66 doesn't provide for transfer embargos yet they made that up.

Rangers will most likely get some satisfaction from the appeal process....That is if Ally hasn't made it worse.

posted on 26/4/12

PBN illuminate us with what you see as a fit punishment then?

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