the sun has lowered itself, if thats possible.. they put forward the case that roy cant manage england because of a slight speech impediment..
I dread to think what they would have lead with if paul ince had been given the job..
harry can play expansive football at spurs.. watching west brom with massiveley less money, they shift it about, have pace and they defend well..Maybe that would "do" for an England Team????
Are we with him, or ...........NOT
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posted on 2/5/12
the sun has lowered itself, if thats possible.. they put forward the case that roy cant manage england because of a slight speech impediment..
I dread to think what they would have lead with if paul ince had been given the job..
harry can play expansive football at spurs.. watching west brom with massiveley less money, they shift it about, have pace and they defend well..Maybe that would "do" for an England Team????
posted on 2/5/12
What gets me is Trevor Brooking. Useless as the FA are at least in the press conference the chairman had prepared something whereas Brooking just rambled on and on and ..........
God help Woy if he has to put up with that waste of space - why is he allowed to stay there ?????
posted on 4/5/12
Is Clemence still ligging in as goalkeeping coach .. Because he's another right phuckin numpty .. .. Load o Ballacks .. ..
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