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These 30 comments are related to an article called:

Your club is pathetic.

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posted on 6/5/12


comment by Tomkins (U1116)

posted on 6/5/12


posted on 6/5/12


posted on 6/5/12

I'm not going to laugh right now, but someone seems a bit bitter.

posted on 6/5/12

Oh you lot support Villa eh? Go back to crying how you was yday lmao

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12

at aston villa. coming 17th is a achievement

at arsenal. no bottle whatsoever.

at spurs... dont even know where to purchase a bottle, let alone own one

posted on 6/5/12


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12

at AFL

posted on 6/5/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 6/5/12

Chronic - It was aimed at the post above yours.

posted on 6/5/12

Hope you didn't lose too much money chronic. It looked a good bet for a while.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12


comment by (U8345)

posted on 6/5/12

spurs fans are so clueless (and very bitter).. soo glad we took a point off them to stay up and ruin their chance of 4th at the same time!.. avoiding relegation is an achievement with a negative manager like mcleish in charge, this has been the worst season in villas history..., villa fans are relieved, and in no way find it in an achievement

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12


alright buddy?

well i lost 100 pounds but i am more upset at the 150 i have lost on united winning the league.

useless bunch of s

comment by Stocky (U14002)

posted on 6/5/12

I don't blaim Villa for defending the draw.A draw meant they're virtually guaranteed safty,so why risk that for a win,that will do nothing for their season.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12

spurs fans are so clueless (and very bitter).. soo glad we took a point off them to stay up and ruin their chance of 4th


not really. if we win next week we finish 4th no matter what.. you merely took 3rd out of our own hands.

anyway, enjoy winning the "we are staying up " cup....

usually teams who just come up celebrate it, but mighty aston villa are just as sheet

comment by Bumble (U6465)

posted on 6/5/12

Spurs whiny babies moaning again on other clubs pages. Premier Leagues BIGGEST EVER BOTTLERS. Go and cry on your own page with the rest of your deluded fans. Maybe you can rebuild your team after you sell the 150 million pound Modric and the 100 million pound Bale!!!

posted on 6/5/12

(U8345) You didn't ruin our chance of 4th, you dented our chance of 3rd. Either way -

posted on 6/5/12

What you are saying then Chronic is that Spurs don't have any bottle,not even a tiny one.
If you ask Arsene nicely he will give you some he's always chucking them about.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12

look at Bumble all mouthy because villa are avoiding the drop

arent you meant to be a big club ?

posted on 6/5/12

Chronic mate, no need for tears.

Some of your mates need to chill out.

Were not celebrating, just safe


comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12

andy gray

i am happy for you really....... although i have lost some money, there is no real need for villa to go down.

maybe you will get a new manager and get some exciting players next season.

you can have adebayor

posted on 6/5/12

Thanks Chronic, if I were you I'd let adebayor go back to city, we don't want him.

Next season can only be better for us!!!!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 6/5/12

adebayor is possibly the most frustrating player to have ever played the game

posted on 6/5/12

We hang on for a draw against 10 men and the Relegator is our manager! Suprise and shock horror!
If you expect us to get all indignant at this accusation you are sadly mistaken. Guilty as charged as usual. You have the ginger one in charge of you next season and watch him develop the likes of Bale. haha

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