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These 102 comments are related to an article called:

Are all Arsenal supporters

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posted on 17/5/12

It's Rob,

8tit lives up to his name

posted on 17/5/12

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 17/5/12

This is the Spurs board, and only sensible supporters on this article will be allowed. ie Spurs supporters and their guests.

comment by GGC (U14249)

posted on 17/5/12

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 17/5/12

Goonlets won't take a hint. Can't believe how obsessed with us they are.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 17/5/12

Glasgow you're new, you missed Sandy's last breakdown

posted on 17/5/12

Its like flies into one of those kebab shop zappers

posted on 17/5/12

8bit is stupid.

comment by GGC (U14249)

posted on 17/5/12

Really? How many times has he had a nervous breakdown? Everyday

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 17/5/12

He wummed the Arsenal board until he got banned, whined on the Tottenham board about how we all should be banned from their board, filtered everyone, then make a new account pretending to be a neutral fan

posted on 17/5/12

someone called adolf judging others?


comment by GGC (U14249)

posted on 17/5/12

What a noob.

posted on 17/5/12

GlasgowGoonerCelt is stupid.

comment by GGC (U14249)

posted on 17/5/12

Aldolf Brown is a Moron.

posted on 17/5/12

Rangers til i die

Evening mate, how`s your club going,.down the pan by the sound of it.

Call yourself a club, you have just gone bust. Very amusing.

You`ll be playng East Stirling in a couple of years time in front of 130 fans.

posted on 17/5/12

Sandy were you ever officially discharged from the funny farm.

posted on 17/5/12

we played in front of more fans for our old crocks than you did against , ermm , let me see

anyone at home this season.

posted on 17/5/12

groovyduringthewar ( is stupid.

posted on 17/5/12

How did the 78 second division title winning celebrations go Sandy?

Satan and ddd well and truely owned.

posted on 17/5/12

Rangers til i die (

Your only a little club that has now gone bust, stick to the highland league mate.

posted on 17/5/12

D'Jeezus Mackaroni is stupid.

posted on 17/5/12

Aldolf Brown is a Moron


Whereas that comment is pure genius

I've never been one for filtering but trolls by definition don't know where to draw the line

posted on 17/5/12

groovyduringthewar ( is stupid.

Says brain of Britain Sandy Clown.

comment by (U9213)

posted on 17/5/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 17/5/12

Sandy didn't you tell me I was a loser who needed to get a life away from the computer?

You have been posting since this morning, I have been posting for 2 hours

And pretending to be an old man as well You are 17 you sad little kid.

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