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ATP Matches Of The Day: RG 2012, Day 1

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comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 27/5/12

I've filtered about 4 people who were either abusive or just spouted drivel - brilliant feature.

posted on 27/5/12

Me, too, I bet they are the same 4

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 27/5/12

It's a pretty hot day in paris and if it's slow despite the heat, it's going to be very slow when it's cooler or wet.

posted on 27/5/12

Novak does not play any more retrieving game than Federer..
incorrect. And this is one of the reasons I don't like Djo's play as I had said earlier.

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 27/5/12

I think the poster I filtered is same as you nitb. I hope courts are playing fast. Good start for Delpo.

posted on 27/5/12

"And this is one of the reasons I don't like Djo's play as I had said earlier."
"Djo"plays awesome defence but he is anything but a counter-puncher.
If someone hits a ball past you do you try to chase it or do you just let it be a winner and give the other guy a clap.
Obviously if you see him the way you see him, that's how it is for you, but I disagree there completely.

comment by Tenez (U6808)

posted on 27/5/12

So NITB - Why didn't he do better in Madrid and Dubai?

posted on 27/5/12

Which year, this or last?

posted on 27/5/12

haha touche nitb!

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 27/5/12

IMHO Nole can play on variety of courts and can adjust his game and that's precisely the reason that he is going for golden slam. I won't be able to say the same thing for Nadal plus Nole is much better when it comes to time wasting though he gives it back to Nadal in ishtyle (wasting time when playing against nadal). I am quite happy with Nole winning everything as long as antitennis nadal is not winning anything.

comment by WOW (U14335)

posted on 27/5/12

Forgot to add that Djoko does not moonball either

posted on 27/5/12

That's right WOW, world ain't black and white, and thank God for that

posted on 27/5/12

Nadal is not anti tennis!FACT!

posted on 27/5/12

Yes he is quite defensive at times but some of the shots he produces as well as his topspin is great to watch as a tennis fan!

posted on 27/5/12

wow wrote:

IMHO Nole can play on variety of courts and can adjust his game
I think this is to some extent true, but I would still say that his tennis is significantly more defensive than Roger's.

NITB, you yourself said at one point that what you liked about Nole was how he would soak up the pressure and then go for the kill. I think that decribes current Nole quite well. It also coincidentally describes Rafa pretty well. Now, clearly their tennis is not identical and no doubt Nole can be far more aggressive, but their current bread-and-butter is defence, that is what makes both of them stand above the rest. The same cannot be said of Federer.

posted on 27/5/12

HB wrote:

If I'm really fussy would be nice to filter someone from your own threads but be able to see their comments elsewhere. I guess that isn't possible though.
Yes, I have felt exactly the same. But the feature is very nice as is (I think much better than not having it at all - even though I have not filtered anyone yet myself), so I am not exactly complaining.

posted on 27/5/12

"The same cannot be said of Federer."
For a guy of his abilities he is playing way too much baseline tennis. Now you tell me why that is.

posted on 27/5/12

"If I'm really fussy would be nice to filter someone from your own threads but be able to see their comments elsewhere. I guess that isn't possible though."
Actually there is a way of reading the junk the filtered posters post, I worked it out by accident when I looked at ja 606 from the computer in my gym
I wanted to check something and was aghast to see the comments I hadn't seen the day before...all it was - I wasn't logged in.

posted on 28/5/12

I wasn't logged in.
Ha! Of course! Did not think of that.

posted on 28/5/12

nitb wrote:

For a guy of his abilities he is playing way too much baseline tennis. Now you tell me why that is.
Well, they all do these days. But there is still a pretty big difference between how much Nole relies on defence and how much Federer does.

Anyway, I am not holding it against Nole, or Rafa for that matter. It works for them so why would they do anything else. Tennis is not ballet, I want them to focus more on winning than on the style and if defence is what wins it for them, good for them.

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