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Is there anybody there

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posted on 5/6/12

Well if this article isn't going to wake people up, I don't know what will

comment by OvalOwl (U8818)

posted on 5/6/12


Some of us are trying to sleep.

comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 5/6/12

Just been on the Ouija..

..' anybody there '..


posted on 5/6/12

All popped down to London for Jubilee celebrations. Should be back tomorrow after the bank holiday to comment on our new signing...or lack of

posted on 5/6/12


posted on 5/6/12

same on ours! we got nowt to moan about at the mo
must say the vid on youtube in the pub in hillsborough on playoff day is a classic

posted on 6/6/12

Calm before the storm perhaps?... getting ready for that relegation dogfight.....

posted on 6/6/12

same on ours! we got nowt to moan about at the mo
must say the vid on youtube in the pub in hillsborough on playoff day is a classic

I saw that too only yesterday, think there was more celebrations in there than when we were promoted ...gotta say though the feeling of the squeelers being a division below us again has a certain zest to it

Class stuff


posted on 6/6/12

getting ready for that relegation dogfight.....
Good luck with that then Oz

posted on 6/6/12

Morning chaps - everyone survived the weekend?


posted on 6/6/12

See the library's reopened after the hols...

posted on 6/6/12

Ha, Spartys on a permanant holiday, as for the rest of us we keep the world spinning...and funding his daily intake of cheap value lager

posted on 6/6/12

Still nothin' on the transfer front except for a couple of rumours about Darren O'Dea and Ben Parker. Can't see why the move for Gardener is taking so long (if he really is the target....nothing been confirmed). Gonna be a long, nervy, but interesting close season

posted on 6/6/12

Could it be that MM is MASSIVELY MORTGAGED?


posted on 6/6/12

Chunders: You bought your wednesday season ticket yet? Bet you're dying to see some real football in the championship and the Massive are right on your doorstep!

posted on 6/6/12

C'mon Chunders, dont spoil it with the "Spartisms" you've been by far the nicest & bestest blunt to ever grace the MASSIVE boards & we'll welcome you with open arms

posted on 6/6/12

Sorry chaps, couldn't resist it - it's been a bad time since Wembley, and the collapse of my bet with Hills for both Sheffield clubs to be promoted.

As a result, the Chunderbuxton estate is selling the Isle of Wight.....


posted on 6/6/12

How much you want for it Chunders? Swaps for a nice bottle of Moet old lad?

comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 6/6/12

Barnsley are in for Shittu..

..it was shouted by our postman while riding past on his bike

posted on 7/6/12

And then you laughed hysterically then shouted back "How appropriate"

posted on 7/6/12

So glad you explained...

posted on 7/6/12

What you cant stand the fact that his rather hillarious surname is quite elequently apt for what everyone else thinks of your beloved choice of "team"...if he did join anyway that is...

...look just get back to your <someraults>...ahem, sorry a slight Spartism there, I meant <somersaults>

posted on 7/6/12

* * got me at it now sparty

posted on 7/6/12

So glad you explained...

posted on 7/6/12

you now carrying out your life as a Parrot? Scratched Record? Or you simply writing a bad pop song that even Pete Waterman would wince at perhaps

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