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These 30 comments are related to an article called:

Can't say I'm Surprised................

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posted on 14/6/12

"why would he have stayed in a job"

If Redknapp was a pro with any integrity, he would have used this season to get Spurs to that coveted CL place, and THEN say to Levy :

I AM worthy of the long-term contract.
I have shown it for 4 consecutive seasons.

posted on 14/6/12

8 point? At one stage it was 13....

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 14/6/12

Levy is a joke. I am astonished that the majority of Spurs fans are backing the decision

Almost as silly as not accepting £40m for a player worth no more than £25m last summer.

posted on 14/6/12

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posted on 14/6/12

Good article, I really can't blame levy for this.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 14/6/12

It was 13 live table when 2 up at the emirates

posted on 14/6/12

comment by Obers™ (U3904)
posted 14 minutes ago
Levy is a joke. I am astonished that the majority of Spurs fans are backing the decision
Who do you think brought HR at THFC in the first place? I highly doubt Levy would have wanted this but considering HR and his stupid antics last season he deserves the sack IMO

posted on 14/6/12

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comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 14/6/12

Ignore obers. He is an idiot on the wum and a hypocrite considering chelseas treatment of managers

posted on 14/6/12

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posted on 14/6/12

We are all speculating about the why's and wherefore's of Harry's dismissal, but perhaps he brought it on himself.

We are not party to the discussions that took place, but maybe Harry tried to force Levy's hand and demanded more than was possible. There appears to be a lucrative Middle East job on offer for him, so maybe he tried to use that as a lever to bump up his salary or bonuses to an unrealistic level.

Levy will stand or fall by his decisions, so I think he would have given this a lot of thought. I also think Spurs already have a replacement lined up.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 14/6/12

We have never treated a manager as badly as you have treated Arry.

posted on 14/6/12

Spurs have less stability than a two year old on a unicycle. There treatment of managers these past years has been shocking with the likes of Jol and now Harry. Levy is an absolute mug

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 14/6/12

How refreshing, someone who actually speaks sense. Don Mata

Who's next on the Levy firing line?

posted on 14/6/12

Let face it Harry has only delivered Champions league football once in three realistic attempts.
1. How may realistic attempts have their been in the history of the CL?

2. How may times have spurs actually played in the CL?

To make this out to be a negative by Redknap is laughable!

posted on 14/6/12

So true.
Chelsea taking the moral high ground on sacking managers
I think the point made by Obers is actually the moral high ground you lot take about us sacking managers when you should be watching your own back yard!

posted on 14/6/12

1. How may realistic attempts have their been in the history of the CL?

2. How may times have spurs actually played in the CL?

To make this out to be a negative by Redknap is laughable!


to answer your questions:

1 - three
2 - once

This means he has hit his target 33% of the time. If you work in a job that is based on targets then you will be out the door if you hit your target 33% of the time.

posted on 14/6/12

3 in how many club attempts?

1 in how many club attempts?

Redknap is your most successful manager since Nicholson and by some margin.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 14/6/12

And when Arry's not there, mid table in the target?

Moyes can do that

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 14/6/12

Is *

posted on 14/6/12

3 in how many club attempts?

1 in how many club attempts?

Redknap is your most successful manager since Nicholson and by some margin.


im talking about Redknapp here not the history of the PL.

He underachieved for what he had and what he said his targets where.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 14/6/12

Gawa you are missing the point completely. Redknapp is your only manager in PL history to have you challenging for Top 4.

The fact you regard finishing 4th as a failure shows how far this man has taken you.

posted on 14/6/12

Lets get one thing straight first of all. I dont support Spurs, i Support United.

I understand that he took spurs from the bottom of the league and had them challenging for top 4. But there comes a time when a manager has done all he can. Reaching CL on a consistent basis is beyond Redknapp.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 14/6/12

Redknapp showed in the first six months of last season that he can take Spurs further.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 14/6/12

3 in how many club attempts?

1 in how many club attempts?

Redknap is your most successful manager since Nicholson and by some margin.

What? Since Billy NIch we have won at a guess about ten trophies. None of which were delivered by redknapp. So why are you talking about you fool ?

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