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These 94 comments are related to an article called:

**Spurs's Next Manager Official Vote**

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posted on 15/6/12

Some of us are talking about :

1. Barcas' EX manager.
2. The notion of him coming to Spurs
3. The drivers that could cause #2 to occur.

OTOH, others are :

4. Stating that some discussing #2 seek to have the p-ss taken out of them.

5. Demonstrating they have no grasp of #3

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 15/6/12

Pep Guardiola

He'd rather join the Iceland loyalty scheme than Spurs

posted on 15/6/12

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posted on 15/6/12

"He'd rather join the Iceland loyalty scheme than Spurs"

Will that go on the 'if X happens I will leave 606' list ??
Or are you now irreparably infected with the Mich virus ( if so - for all the effort you put into defending Spurs 606 from him) ...

posted on 15/6/12


You write everything as if its on an excel spreadsheet

posted on 15/6/12

Iceland loyalty scheme

Free home delivery

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 15/6/12

kid 'To go into the cave, turn to Page53.......No! No! I didn't mean it'

You saw that Lois I didn't turn to that page you saw it right

"Yes I saw it"


posted on 15/6/12

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posted on 15/6/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/6/12

I would say yes it has

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 15/6/12

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posted on 15/6/12

Mich started out with the one (legendary) 'if X ...' , did he not.
Then he was dolling them out like sweeties.

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 15/6/12


I am the defender of the spurs board (to the tune of Captain Planet)

posted on 15/6/12

"I am the defender of the spurs board (to the tune of Captain Planet)"

Against Mich : eternal
But did we ever stop to consider the long-term mental effects on you in that struggle ...

comment by GOODBYE (U1029)

posted on 15/6/12

I think I am mentally damaged for life

posted on 15/6/12

"I think I am mentally damaged for life"

Shame on Spurs 606 (apart from ArryRaptor) for never volunteering to share the load.

posted on 15/6/12

"I would say yes it has"

I finish this gig in 2 weeks (no more work til 2013 ) , so a long convalescence may do the trick.

posted on 15/6/12

I finish this gig in 2 weeks (no more work til 2013 ) , so a long convalescence may do the trick.

You have 6 months off??

posted on 15/6/12

"You have 6 months off??"

I semi-retired in 2000.
So 6 months at 300-odd/day is more than enough for bill paying.

If the gig is intellectually challenging/stimulating, then I may stay longer (if the client offers it) . Otherwise, I'm done.

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