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These 15 comments are related to an article called:

The Indian Barry Venison

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posted on 21/6/12


this is strange.

posted on 21/6/12

Gotta love Venkys thought process. We've just been relegated, lets appoint a world advisor!

posted on 21/6/12

Cheers Miles.Typical contradictory boll'ocks from the evil nutcases controlling our club. Really don't have any hope the situation will improve anytime soon.

posted on 21/6/12

Its on the BBC website n all. He witters on about being a pundit and having to be critical. Blah blah blah. Cant even be bothered pasting it for you. i jusy wonder what amazing new post will come up next and which clueless idiot will fill it.
what about Global communications and general t0sspot supervisor and giving it to either Ian Wright or Mark Lawerenson.
Or, Head of finances and revenue and giving it to Arry and Jimmy Carr.

posted on 21/6/12

The circus rolls on. Think the beeb is on message with embarassing the club. So you said one thing before you were appointed and another once you picked up your rupees.

Here's a thought - why not hire an advisor that knows something, say a John Williams. Or even a Paul Hunt and then LISTEN TO THEM. Sack the useless manager. Or convert him back to doing what he does best, giving out bibs and setting up cones!!

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 21/6/12

Nutjobs all of them!
Apparently he said Stevie Gerrards best position is at right back and when working as a pundit had the other pundits including Steve Mclaren in stitches with the rubbish that come out of his mouth, plus he looks like something out of Bo-selecta!

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 21/6/12

Also as a global advisor shouldn't his first bit of advice have been to get rid of Kean?
After all it is only what he stated a few weeks ago.
He is just another mouthpiece that will spout rubbish.

posted on 21/6/12

He's also been quoted on Twitter since his appointment that 13/14 will the season we win our 2nd EPL title.

Now, if he's having a laugh then shame on him because it is hardly professional given his appointment and if he is being serious also shame on him for being completely deluded. What exactly is he playing at?

posted on 21/6/12

This madness continues!Shebby Singh was a MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL,so he is now our global advisor?I thought my dog Rover was a bit batty after a few lagers but this puts the tin hat on it for me.This is unbelievable.

posted on 21/6/12

I would have Rover as our global advisor over Shebby Shubble s#*t any day of the week!

posted on 21/6/12

I dont think he would or could do any worse,maybe his bark is worser than his bite

posted on 22/6/12

This is extremely harsh on Barry Venison

posted on 22/6/12

Browse: Football Premier League Blackburn Rovers
Fetish still living in denial

posted on 22/6/12

This madness continues!Shebby Singh was a MALAYSIAN INTERNATIONAL


You're sorted then. Being from one of the all-time great sides....

1. Brazil
2. Germany
3. Malaysia

Sheba will do the biz for you.

And if he turns out to be kack, he probably makes a mean Lemon Grass curry. You'll have the spiciest half-time snax in League 2.

posted on 22/6/12

I love his justification on stating Mean should be sacked last month to stating his support now employed.

As a pundit he is apparently paid to give a critical review...

Indeed, be outspoken when being paid a grand per appearance but brown nose and tow the party line when involved in a multi million pound business!

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