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Goal Physique

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posted on 9/7/12

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posted on 11/7/12

Something like Nani would be good, definition etc but also mobile for footy.

posted on 12/7/12

Vik I agree genetics plays a role in your final physique, but I get really annoyed when people say "I can't get a 6 pack, I have bad genes" WTF?!?!

posted on 13/7/12

Singh they will be the same people not eating right or training enough

posted on 13/7/12

Pride if I'm honest with you, I don't eat "right". I do iifym and it is amazing!

I can literally eat what I want within my macro requirements. Before I was doing the whole bro food diet. I just wasn't eating enough so I wasn't gaining but now I am packing some serious timber!

I am getting a little fat now though so I'm gonna cut for 6-8 weeks a little bit starting from next week.

posted on 15/7/12

Such physiques are definitely attainable without resorting to risking your body and endocrine system with the use of additional hormones.

In well under 3 years, I've gone from a guy that was very underweight (perhaps the smallest in my school year) to nearly 14 stone whilst keeping my bodyfat percentage roughly the same.

This isn't me trying to boast; I know people who have had better natural transformations, and to be honest, my training has been sub-optimal at times (I really neglected muscle groups like my back and legs for the first year); I'm just trying to show that it is possible and you shouldn't resign yourself to defeat.

My genetics were awful, but by progressively increasing the weight I lift and the calories I consume, I've been able to continue to augment my physique.

As I say, this isn't me trying to boast; I just know how disheartening it can be when you're not making gains.
I almost gave up after about a year, but I reviewed my regime and my dietary plan, and I always will when I plateau.
If your lifts stagnate, switch to an alternate exercise (if barbell bench press stops improving, try dumbbell for a while); if your weight hits a wall, increase your calories.

Not everyone has the potential to look like Jay Cutler, and some people have to put in a little bit more effort, but I do believe everyone can make a real change.

As for ideal physique, I don't really know. My lats and legs are still lagging a bit, and I feel my shoulders and upper chest could definitely use a bit more work.
I'm hoping I can get to a stage when I can confidently compete in a natural show. It's always good to have something to work towards

posted on 17/7/12

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posted on 18/7/12


posted on 19/7/12


That's my current one!...........only joking...................or am I?

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