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These 22 comments are related to an article called:

Leeds win High Court case

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posted on 24/7/12

How much we getting?

posted on 24/7/12

undisclosed fee

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 24/7/12

I didn't expect this result, this is a very significant ruling for football.

For Leeds specifically I wonder if we'll see more strange kick off times as Police will now try and minimise their own costs.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 24/7/12

Good point Jonty. I never expected us to win it either.

posted on 24/7/12

I always had my doubts about the police case and expressed as such several times on this forum.

A damned fine decision, but the police are likely to appeal as it had repercussions around the country and not just with football.

KB gets one correct - but just the one!

BTW, Jonty and Stoopo, are you lawyers with knowledge and understanding of administrative law?

If they mess around with more times I would be off to the court to challenge the decisions by way of judicial review or case stated depending on basis of decision taken as disproportionate and excessive.

The mark of the rule of law is that public bodies can't just do as they please when they please and without considered and justifiable reason or transparency.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 24/7/12

orange, police change kick off times due to safety.

If police who are now having to cut costs are not going to get paid for providing policing for football matches it is understandable that they'd want the matches played at a time when they could best afford to police them.

posted on 24/7/12

maybe the takeover will happen now the court case is over maybe that was the hold up

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 24/7/12

lancashire, this particular court case would have no material impact on a takeover.

posted on 24/7/12

My biggest fear is that WYP turn round and say now you are not paying us to police outside ER we will not do it - sort your own security out or you won't be able tp play. Why should the Leeds taxpayers subsidise our club?

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 24/7/12

Exactly Youngwhite, this isn't cut and dry, Police like council now have been stung by Leeds and they will be much more cost conscious in the future.

Not sure if the scenario you mention will come to pass but my fear is that the fans will somehow lose out, most likely through more inappropriate kickoff times.

comment by Doc (U8918)

posted on 24/7/12

The police have to look after the safety outside the ground and also inside. Where they've been shafting us is saying that they have to deploy more police in the city centre and other areas in Hunslet and beeston. The club quite rightly should not have to pay for that, as its the police forces job. They don't charge the Leeds festival extra for policing away from the location, even thougyh thousands of extra people visit Leeds. City centre shops benefit by added footfall and Leeds Utd don't charge them for them getting extra sales because of the club.

posted on 24/7/12

Doc - I bet the City Centre shops do more trade on non-matchdays - How many Leeds fans do you know that go shopping before or after the game FFS?

posted on 24/7/12

WYP comment "the possibility of the force being unable to support the club's existing match arrangements in the present economic climate" does imply that the kick off times may be affected.

posted on 24/7/12

sabre rattling, middlesexwhite - do you seriously believe that the police can just walk away from public highway policing?

unless they are going to insist on Leeds games being played Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm then Saturdays are as cheap for the police as any other time.

posted on 24/7/12

orange - they could impose crowd restrictions on us.
How would you feel if the OB turn round and say that we can only entertain 10,000 fans or less every Saturday now?

posted on 24/7/12

Mr Justice Eady added that it was likely steps would, if police funds became too stretched, have to be taken to limit the threat of violence at high-risk matches.

His judgment listed three suggestions made by officers who gave evidence during the case. They are:

Reducing the number of fans 
allowed to attend games;

Limiting the availability of alcohol;

Switching to earlier kick-off times."

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 24/7/12

Switching to earlier kick-off times.
Looks like I was right then.

If this ruling is upheld, will potentially impact the fan in a big way.

posted on 24/7/12

Jonty - I bet they apply all 3 of those restrictions for "high risk" games!!

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 24/7/12

I hate kickoffs being switched to stupid times that make it difficult for regular fans to go and watch a game.

Arbitrary figures here, but If it costs 60k to police a game in a Saturday afternoon but 45k on a Thursday night you can see what is going to happen, especially if records show less problems on Thursdays than Saturdays or something like that.

posted on 24/7/12

& If it costs half of that to police only 15,000 fans instead of 30,000?

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 24/7/12

Can of worms

posted on 24/7/12

Yes - will end in tears!

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