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you all slate him

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posted on 15/7/11

He also would guarantee arsenal beating united nearly every time claiming it was destiny and united always won. (apart from the last time)

posted on 15/7/11

The guy doesn't seem like he intentionally wums though.
His football knowledge seems pretty decent.

posted on 15/7/11

Nolhman is a top quality poster and a friendly guy.

He usually gets abused for having a different opinion, but then again that's normal with Man Utd fans. They just throw abuse at anybody who doesn't agree with them.

Nolhman is a top poster

posted on 15/7/11

Cheers kamran fella.

I'm abit gone after a few budweisers so I'm bound to be generous. But like you say, he's a friendly poster who gets slated for having a different opinion.

I thought this was what forums were all about? Well the Gestapo united fans seem to think not.

posted on 15/7/11

Most Man Utd fans are just arrogant idiots who are incapable of accepting someone else's opinion. I think people forget that the whole point of having a football forum is so that we can exchange and share our opinions with each other.

If you can't accept other people's opinion, you shouldn't be on a football forum.

posted on 15/7/11

Exactly mate.

Couldn't agree more.

Thing is he talks more sense than half of the united fans on here

I'm a united fan and I read a lot of articles on here and all half of them do is squabble and bicker like little girls. Honestly it gripes me lol.

Nolhman seems a proper LAD

posted on 15/7/11

posted on 15/7/11

Get a room!

posted on 15/7/11

Yeah if your paying ....

posted on 15/7/11

Totally agree with you gents, most perhaps every, football fan sports their tinted glasses. Causing posters to be very opinionated.

Differing views are not always wums.

At least 9/10 the discussions are football based which is more than can be said of my compatriots north of the border.

posted on 15/7/11

comment by Kamran - ArshAttack (U1204)
posted 6 hours, 20 minutes ago
Most Man Utd fans are just arrogant idiots who are incapable of accepting someone else's opinion. I think people forget that the whole point of having a football forum is so that we can exchange and share our opinions with each other.

If you can't accept other people's opinion, you shouldn't be on a football forum.


I really can't believe you just said that!
Most hypocritical post of the month!
Take a look at your usual slate hernandez article where you can't take someone elses opinion that doesn't agree with you so you delete them. Take some of your own advice!

posted on 15/7/11

hold on a mo. read fergies comments on skysports again... think about what it really means..

posted on 15/7/11

comment by Kamran - ArshAttack (U1204)
posted 6 hours, 41 minutes ago
Most Man Utd fans are just arrogant idiots who are incapable of accepting someone else's opinion. I think people forget that the whole point of having a football forum is so that we can exchange and share our opinions with each other.

If you can't accept other people's opinion, you shouldn't be on a football forum.


Haha, that's obviously a cheeky little slap in the face to everyone who disagrees with him, IE regarding Hernandez.

Kamran your wummery has gone stale, you need some new lines!

comment by Hizmo (U1691)

posted on 15/7/11

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posted on 15/7/11

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posted on 15/7/11

nolhman could be a nice guy... if he didnt just disregard someones opinion because he doesnt agree... same goes for neon1001. it might help united like him a bit more if he stopped banging on saying nani should leave united to aid his development and he would be better off elsewhere

posted on 15/7/11

No(brain)lhman - WUMFI

Kamran - WUMFI

Idiot that wrote this - about to get the WUMFI treatment

posted on 15/7/11

"He usually gets abused for having a different opinion, but then again that's normal with Man Utd fans."

I can't disagree with that. Not all, but there are certainly many on here that fall into that category; red tinteds I like to call them...

posted on 15/7/11

He was banned on 606, not 606, not many people like him here and the majority want him banned on sports witness. Each and every post he talks about nani is leaving, he's a waste of a username

posted on 15/7/11

I can appreciate that, considering i get a ridiculous amount of abuse when i post even though everything i say is backed up with explanations for my opinion as well as fact...
For instance all last season i got slated for saying that Fergie will realize his mistake with Gibson and try to offload him this summer. Look what is happening with him and sunderland now (accept the bloody contract offered u irish goon!!)

posted on 15/7/11

Fergie's comments:-

"The situation is that there is no real interest in Wesley Sneijder at this moment in time for a lot of reasons."

"There is nothing I can tell you about it. I have not really been involved in it since I came across here."

I am none the wiser about whats going on with Sneijder after reading that. If anything it confirms the fact that United were involved at some point and that he isn't directly involved because of tour duties. And whats this "real interest"? So is it fake interest to act as a smokescreen for our real transfer target?

Fergie Fergie Fergie...

posted on 15/7/11

Some of these responses just put weight on my argument.

What a bunch of plastic hypocrites. I bet half of you don't even go to games.

posted on 15/7/11

Hypocrite! Coming from you!

posted on 17/7/11

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