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All's well at the Sty then...

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posted on 22/8/12

posted on 22/8/12

I know they want to replace them with piglets and "prepare" them but on the other hand they wont generate any intrest in them if they are not playing..mind you who'd have em

posted on 22/8/12

They look to be in as bad a state as we were. Love it.

comment by DRY (U3060)

posted on 22/8/12

They would'nt all fit on the new team mini bus

posted on 23/8/12

Morning chaps,

Elspeth was just saying how nice it is that our neighbours show such concern in these trying times - pretty much as we did for you before your tax expert took over....


posted on 23/8/12

Must be still waiting for that West Ham money to come through

posted on 23/8/12

Actually that's a salient point...Shammers still owe the blunts 10 mill...So whilst a club struggles and has to make redundancies to ordinary working folk...The "premier" club buy second rate wingers @ £10m....

The game's rotten to the core....

posted on 23/8/12

I agree Sparty, over the last 10-15 years the amount of money clubs chuck at over clubs for mediocre players is frankly diabolical, and as for the wages these players earn is just as.

Although Jarvis is a decent player in my honest opinion, theres no way in the world is he worth anywhere near 10m.

As for the Tevez compo it shocks me really, in all seriousness, esp when there are honest working folk losing jobs hence the Tevez money not paid up. This was about 5 years ago and its still not paid. Christ they were even willing to spend 17m on a gordie donkey with a ponytail ffs, they were in the wrong and they must pay, simple as that.

As much as I love to see the oinkers suffer like we did (seeing as they took much pleasure in our struggles over the years) I dont like the fact that WHU are effectively putting honest hard working people out of work

posted on 23/8/12

Sparty and Milan.

You are infact both wrong.
Westham do owe the money, but they are paying it back in the time that was originally agreed and however the money will go to Santander Bank as the blunts, actually took out a loan against this money.
So actually Westham are nothing to do with the little grunter staff loosing there jobs.

posted on 23/8/12

Cannot disagree, MM - though to be fair, I think that all the WHU payments were scheduled, and the last £10 million was not due until this year.

I said on the old 606 some time ago that we are all going to hell in a handcart, and nothing has happened in the meantime to make me change my mind. How many businesses outside football would be allowed to trade in this way? - the vast majority are doing so fraudulently in pure legal terms.

Look at the people around the game, they're not exactly the type of people you'd lend your cash to, are they? Your analogy of the Geordie donkey is spot-on - £35 million, and they're now offering £12 million after a year's loan. How many businesses could afford to lose £23 million in 12/18 months?

Sorry to get too serious, but the Scudamores of this world are leading football down a icy staircase - another financial crash like the one that hit Kevin McCabe will take everything down, with very few survivors.


posted on 23/8/12

Fair Play Hirsty, like Sparty I thought that West Ham hadnt given them any of it back .

But still its a shame though when normal workin folk have to lose their jobs in any company, even at the Sty.

posted on 23/8/12

Your analogy of the Geordie donkey is spot-on - £35 million, and they're now offering £12 million after a year's loan.


Well more fool Liverpool for paying such an extordinarily stupid amount on a player that had one good season...in the Chapmionship. Newcastle must have be laughing all the way to Nothern Rock, and built a decent squad with that money...more notably 10m on Pappis Cisse who's scored more goals in 6 months than Carroll has done in 18 months at Liverpool, from Newcastle's point of view that must have been the best bit of business they've ever done...and ever will do.

Regaring the 12m offer, think thats a tad more realistic value of him, but seriously, Liverpool are never goin to make a 23m loss after buying him only 18 months earlier, they may as well keep him and try to get the best out of him somehow.

posted on 23/8/12

Football is not a sport anymore, but it's hard to call it a business either.
I'm in the process of becoming a sole trader, and I'd love to have the leniency infront of me that is afforded to football clubs (us included). If I struggle for work for a few months, will my mortgage lender be cool with that?
Unfortunately, that won't be the case and I'll have to do things sensibly and within my means and save some cash for slow times.
They've all had such a short-termist outlook on the way they run things. 'If we overspend now, it'll get us to this point in two years' ... well, what if it doesn't?

I don't feel for the blunts to be honest, they've been so smug for years, it's about time the shoe was on the other foot (if they've not take their shoes off yet that is).
Feel for the employees though.

posted on 23/8/12

I don't feel for the blunts to be honest, they've been so smug for years, it's about time the shoe was on the other foot (if they've not take their shoes off yet that is).
Feel for the employees though.


Nah me neither, I once worked at a place that was full of them, the amount of micky taking and big headedness I suffered at the hands of these, esp when they were in the prem, was unreal, i kept saying to them what goes around, comes around. Now look at them...and now look at us!! Imagine if we played them now with the calibre of players we have, Rodri, Pecnik, Antonio, Madine et al...

On a different note, just wanted to say that DJ must be the best manager we have had since Big Ron, he has said all the right things, got us playing some dazzling stuff, brought in good players (Rodri esp) and what I like best is, the core of our current team are those from last season. He hasnt brought in players then put them straight in the team and how many times have we seen a team broken up just because the team is at a higher level then only to disrupt everything. He has given players that played last season a chance and has kept them in, and that is becasue he knows that the momentum is still there and he has simply not fixed what wasnt broken, just mearly added more quality to our SQUAD and not the team, now that is good, good managment.

posted on 23/8/12

steady on Milan! Dazzling stuff? You must be watching a different team to the one I have seen. I agree that there is a major improvement as we do try to get the ball down and play these days but to say are seeing dazzling stuff is a bit far.

Its a bit like saying I saw Judy Dench last night with a bit on slap on and she looked stunning!

posted on 23/8/12

I saw Cheryl Tweedy last night holding a copy of Sparty's dictionary (yeah, the one with the word 'salient' in it!), she's one intelligent lady.

posted on 23/8/12

Wo wo hang on a sec, I was merely refering to the 1st half Tues night, dazzling isnt all about fancy flicks et al, i mean like you say getting the ball on the floor and playing how it should be played, I know we are not exactly Barca but I think the possesion play we employ does excite me, plus compared to the dross we have all had to witness over the years it has been dazzling.

posted on 23/8/12

First half Tuesday was immense, dazzling does it for me
I did make the cardinal sin of going in to work yesterday and telling two colleagues (Coventry and Leeds fans) that we played 'Barca-esq' first half. Just couldn't help myself.

posted on 23/8/12

Know what you mean fella, I was the same, esp to the Blunt sat on other table, that was met with a groan

posted on 23/8/12

Can't we just agree that we've played well so far bar the first half against County?

Its clear that football under DJ is the opposite end of the spectrum to that played under GM.

I'm liking the potential we've shown so far, I'm confident we'll have good season. Getting Rodri in is a masterstroke!

posted on 23/8/12

Ha, apparently a premiership manager rung DJ and asked, "How the fluck did you mange to sign him" or summat like that anyway. Terrific signing and its in a way a statement of intent by signing anyone from Barca, can see it now if we get promoted Rodri and that Argie lad they have, i forget his name, up front

posted on 23/8/12

My entire family (missus, two daughters and 6 month old boy) thought I was on LSD when I told them that we'd signed a Barca player. They still don't believe me, but then again they have no idea what football is.

posted on 23/8/12

They're wendies then...

posted on 23/8/12

There's a footballing party going on in Sheffield farty, but you're not invited

posted on 23/8/12

Ha ha, jsut cant help yourself can ya Spartz , you lot can only dream of being in our position, 2nd (ok after two games but still), signing Barca prospects (who IMO have the best academy in the world), beating a team that finished 6th last season by playing in a simular vein to Barca (though not quite as good but still) and a top class manager, c'mon dude, you envy us, admit it

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