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comment by Foreva (U13237)

posted on 31/8/12

Well done you.

posted on 31/8/12

I've been reading the 606 forums since when it was BBC 606, just never decided to register and pitch in until now. It could spell trouble as I have easy and free access at work

I enjoy the banter, points of view and n()b heads being schooled.

....and no, your not taking the pludits for me signing up

posted on 31/8/12

No problem.
I was not seeking pludits

posted on 31/8/12

Sorry,i have just noticed the spelling mistake pludits.
I wasn`t attempting to school you,in pointing that out.

posted on 31/8/12

I don't spell check or f@nny about with all that grammer lark. I'll just assume you understand

I am a n()b head and I do need schooling now and again though. Well done for being my first, you can have the pludits for that.

posted on 31/8/12

Used to post on 606. CE meant I gave up as he was unfortunately a complete tool. Now I have decided to return as I saw your post saying we should have some fresh posters, and I thought i had better do what you said.

Ironic then that you clearly are CE

posted on 31/8/12

Apologies triple gin,not very zen of me that.
No offence

posted on 31/8/12

I use to read the ding dongs between CE and others with some interest. Some of it was funny in parts but you had to read through 50 odd messages to get to an amusing bit.

I gave up as it got dull.

Whether CE has been reincarnated or not I couldnt care less.

The Merseysider - No, not very Zen at all considering how much you embrace it. A lapse once in a while can be expected.

posted on 31/8/12

Mistakes are a great educator.when honest enough to admit them.


posted on 31/8/12

Why have you put "(!!)" mid sentence?

How peculiar!

posted on 31/8/12

As this is the hangout of new and returning posters lets ask for opinion on two of our former posters.

One set up multiple accounts to try and add weight to his silly little opinions, the other set up a sock account. Now both are banned, the one who set up a sock account had been in heated debates accusing another RS poster of doing just this in the early days of JA. The other poster was just a small minded fool who was school on many occasions on this site by the second banned poster and a whole host of others.

So now we are up to speed, who thinks both are small minded fools to get banned?

posted on 31/8/12

I must admit I do not know what 'sock' account means.

Must have missed the email on that one.

posted on 31/8/12

Sockrobberreturns?, supadave? Artetaofgoodison? Isn't it? Jumpers for goalposts isn't it?

posted on 31/8/12

It.may have been an email saying your account has been suspended

posted on 31/8/12

Fella,nobody seems to be responding to your request.
If you can explain what the sock means i may back you up?

posted on 31/8/12

I explain myself to know man...or duck.

posted on 31/8/12

Buddha quote?
I cant recall that one from my teachings.

posted on 31/8/12

This is crazy guys.
I thought the statement posted was from the BU propaganda machine.
How naive can a guy be????

posted on 31/8/12

So I am assuming Sock is in reference to Sockrobberreturns and a user setting multiple accounts, the other person is just a bit sad really, setting up accounts and posting in order to agree with himself / herself adding weight to whatever he / she is arguing for / against, if im reading that right?

Its been a long day and just took me 2 hours to get daughter to bed so excuse me if I have missed the point completely.

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