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Today's team

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posted on 1/9/12

Good team

My 5-0 predictor is looking good

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/12

WTF is Wilson doing getting the armband?

ffs Lennon needs to stop with the merrygoround and fluking just no give it to anyone if Beroon or Mulgrew ain't playing.


posted on 1/9/12

Apart from Forster there is no-one else in our starting line-up who is captain material Hector

posted on 1/9/12

Hector, I think Wilson has the armband as a reward for his midweek performance as it was probably his best since he signed for us. Lenny must be trying to give him a confidence boost. If Wilson has turned the corner and his form improves, we all win.

comment by 12In13 (U9258)

posted on 1/9/12

a dont g1ve a fook whos capta1n,,,as long as we w1n.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/12

Then he should hold it back....I know he has to have 'a captain'

It's an honour to have the armband yet Neil throws it about like it means heehaw...Wilson is a bombscare ffs if he has to give it to someone on the field it should be the longest server...McCourt.

posted on 1/9/12


posted on 1/9/12

Hector, Lenny is the manager, none of us are. He is judged and we are the jury. You may say that the jury is out, but we have strengthened and also made mistakes. That is the way it is.

If you remember before the season started most folk wanted 3 things. 1. Get rid of the dead wood - done. 2. Reach the C.L. Via the qualifiers - done. 3. Sign a solid C.B. and C.F. - signings made and yet to be proved.

All in all we are on the way forward, so that will do for me.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/12


I'm a fan of Neil.

I just hate the way the armband has been worn by so many not actually fit enough to wear it.
But then I'm a sentimental traditionalist.

posted on 1/9/12

Hector good man

posted on 1/9/12

So by that reckoning Hector, Loovens would have got the armband last season over Broon as he played for us longer.

He gave it to who he thought is the best candidate

posted on 1/9/12

My bad, brown has been with us longer, but you can see the point I was trying to make

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/12


I meant in reference to todays game.

Believe me, I wish Wilson was worth the armband I really do, I so wanted him to be the answer to our prayers, and I hope he might yet, he's big, strong and fairly fast, but his reactions are as dopey as his big dippet looking face....

posted on 1/9/12

He's looked good since he's been at RCB.

Looked like he was lacking in confidence last season but is that any wonder when we were all giving him pelters. It's bound to knock your confidence.

Apart from Forster no one else on the pitch is captain material, so it was a toss up between the two. Wilson probably got it as reward for his performances so far this season, and to give him another wee boost to his confidence

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