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These 113 comments are related to an article called:

Held At Home By Hibs

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posted on 1/9/12

this is hilarious

posted on 1/9/12

Pacific Shelf fans are always saying how you have two squads one for Europe and one for the league.

and the European team did us proud,getting us into the Champions League so they did.Our domestic team sit at the top of the pile................with a game in hand,what yer point?

posted on 1/9/12

"bit, bit, bit, CL, CL, we are in the CL, we had a comedown from qualifying, yeah, that was it, a comedown. Bit, bit, bit also half the team were out so they wur, Yous ur Sevko playin' Elgin, so there... "

posted on 1/9/12

Let it all out Castle

it seems its only you lot who are wound up

posted on 1/9/12

I'm so wound up laughing at your sheiyte teams result and signing Templeton today. I'm raging so I am.

posted on 1/9/12

still top of our league,more than what can be said about your diddy team.

posted on 1/9/12

Imagine laughing at Celtics results and calling our team sheiyte.

posted on 1/9/12

posted on 1/9/12

sheiyte wahta does that actually mean

posted on 1/9/12

The total brass neck of the zombies is unbelievable today, but if it makes them happy.

posted on 1/9/12

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 1/9/12


comment by 12In13 (U9258)

posted on 1/9/12

1n all ser1ousness, how 1s 1t when the b1g clubs from other leagues, EPl, La L1ga etc draw some games 1n the1r respect1ve leagues, theres never the same k1nda react1on? Gers fans th1nk1ng 1ts the eventuall dem1se and our own fans crack1ng up? g1t a fookn l1fe n ch1ll ffs.

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