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These 317910 comments are related to an article called:

The Tottenham Match Day Thread.

Page 6722 of 12717

posted on 7/12/19

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comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Desperate Dier-Bring me Ndombele (U6468)
posted 2 minutes ago
We just fullbacks and maybe dm away from challenging again.
In the starting XI, CB and creative mid too when eriksen, verts and toby go

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by Spurtle (U1608)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Spurtle (U1608)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Raptor✡ (U1071)
posted 9 seconds ago
They have such depth.
They have good depth but it's just the positive winning mentality among everyone there that is doing it for them.
Everyone knows their role and they’d run through brick walls for the manager
I only want to win it once I’m not greedy
Yeah you should do the honourable thing after you win it and step aside so we can have a go next season.

posted on 7/12/19

How’s the balls of your feet?

posted on 7/12/19

Poor performance against United, but even the most negative of Mourinho supporters can’t deny he’s having a positive impact so far, 4 wins in 5 and we are scoring for fun.

posted on 7/12/19

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posted on 7/12/19

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comment by (U18814)

posted on 7/12/19

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posted on 7/12/19


Rapt if your balls are on your feet you need to empty them son

posted on 7/12/19

Yeah Don that’s it exactly he is churning out results in a very Un-Mourinho sort of style. At the back we have been wobbly.

Everyone I think was expectant from the get go, things would improve.

Further that we would see a spike in results, partly due to two reasons - the level of opposition and things being stale at the start of the season for varying reasons.

comment by (U18814)

posted on 7/12/19

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posted on 7/12/19

comment by Ace (U18814)
posted about a minute ago
Supposedly Jose took the match ball and gave it to Parrott, followed by a chat🤷‍♂️
Did he think that Parrott was the ball boy

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Raptor✡ (U1071)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted about a minute ago
Poor performance against United, but even the most negative of Mourinho supporters can’t deny he’s having a positive impact so far, 4 wins in 5 and we are scoring for fun.
It ain’t been boring at all.
So much for this "turgid Mourinho football" we keep hearing about

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Eighties Glory Years ¡jaja José si si! (U22086)
posted 47 seconds ago
comment by Raptor✡ (U1071)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted about a minute ago
Poor performance against United, but even the most negative of Mourinho supporters can’t deny he’s having a positive impact so far, 4 wins in 5 and we are scoring for fun.
It ain’t been boring at all.
So much for this "turgid Mourinho football" we keep hearing about
You've got to give it at least a season before it fully arrives.

posted on 7/12/19

We are looking good going forward, and scoring plenty, but we are still work in progress at the back, we are still giving up too many good chances, a better finisher today could have had a couple of goals for Burnley.

If Mourinho could sort us out defensively we would be a very good side, but he probably needs 2 or 3 new players to be able to do that. If he can do it with our existing squad then I`ll take my hat off.

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Ace (U18814)
posted 11 minutes ago
Supposedly Jose took the match ball and gave it to Parrott, followed by a chat🤷‍♂️

Sounds like Jose is at his man management best then atm. Probably told Parrot to keep the ball to remember his first game in the PL at WHL, because he will go on the do great things if he wants it enough. The boy is that good imo.

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted 27 minutes ago
Poor performance against United, but even the most negative of Mourinho supporters can’t deny he’s having a positive impact so far, 4 wins in 5 and we are scoring for fun.
It’s the only full performance I’ve enjoyed.

Love WHU first and Olympiacos second half’s.

Bournemouth was a weird game. End to end giving up far too many opportunities but took our chances well.

United was one of the worst performances this season.

Today was just amazing topped of by bring ( late ) 3 young players on which you know I’m a huge fan of the youth.

posted on 7/12/19

United another penalty

posted on 7/12/19

Sounds like a brilliant performance.

Is Lo Celso still alive? :o

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 7/12/19

2-0 up

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Phendombele (U20037)
posted about a minute ago
2-0 up
City have regressed this season

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 7/12/19

Makes our result look not as bad now.

posted on 7/12/19

comment by Dave&Danny (U4428)
posted 8 minutes ago
United another penalty
10 this season already!

But VAR and Pool fan Michael Oliverpool saw the opportunity to hurt his beloved Pool`s title rival, and took it.

No disputing it was a penalty, but we`ve seen countless nailed on penalties in other games not given by VAR.

Oliverpool is not even at the ground and he is still helping Pool out where he can.

posted on 7/12/19

Really hoping Parrot can eventually be our Kane replacement. When Kane is in his 30s, Parrot is still only going to be 21/22, he is that young. Kane didn’t really get going until roughly that age at 21 so Parrot has a huge future ahead of him.

posted on 7/12/19

It was his debut and I think it had a much bigger meaning to a kid who last week was playing against others his age in the UEFA Youth League"

"Today he’s playing in the Premier League at 17. Will he play against Bayern Munich? I don’t know.

"All I can say is Harry Kane won’t. Who plays, we’ll see", Mourinho added.

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