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Why oh why??

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posted on 13/9/12

Duno if there's any fans of the junior apprentice, but Clare was on that last series.

posted on 13/9/12

Masqueraded as a kid called Harry

posted on 13/9/12

No not a Balding fan, besides she likes ladies officially (and fair play to her for).

I'll come clean;

Mariella Frostrup, now I bet she knows a thing or two. Failing that, in no particular order, I'd settle for Naomi Campbell (in a good mood), Fearne Cotton and/or Sara Cox, Nicole Scherzinger.

Or the woman giving me legal advice at the moment.

posted on 13/9/12

Mila Kunis

posted on 13/9/12

No Prof,

Unfortunately Mila Kunis is not giving me legal advice at the moment.

But she should be

posted on 13/9/12

Meg <fart>

Her and Natalie Portman, yup.

posted on 13/9/12

Jessica Alba, yeah like the "Shirt Slinger" too, denise Richards, Julianne Moore even as well, there's just summat about her I cannot comprehend ...not sure bout Fearne Cotton and Sara Cox though ...nah!!!

posted on 13/9/12

Nah, Cotton and Cox don't do it for me either.
If you could distil the irritating airhead out of them, maybe. My mind is wondering towards the possibilities of Cottons nostrils though

posted on 13/9/12

Cotton and/or Cox are just Logan replacements. Merely benchwarmers. I met Sara Cox in a pub once in Camden. She can get the pots down her I tell thi.

comment by Greno (U2127)

posted on 13/9/12

So, she's good at washing up.

Excellent, if you could find out what her ironing and cooking skills are like shib, would be appreciated.

posted on 13/9/12

She likes to hoover too, by all accounts. Her and Zoe Ball were all about the housework back in their Balearic hayday

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