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Sir Alex deserves some credit

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posted on 16/9/12

Players were rested and we won the game easily with a nice little boost to our GD. It could have gone wrong we didn't look great early in the game and Wigan looked decent. Overall... I am happy I guess.

posted on 16/9/12


I don't think we were ever in danger of losing that game. In fact, we looked worse at Southampton with a much stronger United team.
It was a calculated risk from Sir Alex and one that has got him where he is today

posted on 16/9/12

Something can always go wrong but an early season game at home to Wigan is probably one of the best times to rest players. Pretty sure the newly promoted sides usually put up more of a fight at the start of the season than Wigan...

posted on 16/9/12

I was furious with the selection when I saw it and hand berated Sir Alex like the majority did.

That was mainly down to having Van P as my captain and Kagawa in my midfield for fantasy football. 13.5 million is a lot to pay for your star forward not to play.

From a United point of view it worked a treat though and if both were carrying knocks...

posted on 16/9/12

Last season, he rested ando and cleverley and played carrick and giggs, the starting midfield of previous season. This is not about strength, is about putting your best foot foward. Tomorrow some fool is going to say "one game at a time". What makes it ok to weaken the team against wigan? The last time we did was great right or the league is not important?

This is about weakening a team only because of injury and not because of "niggles". This team continues to lose its advantages benefited from having a steady first team.

The problem is fergie cannot put his best team out day in day out,

posted on 16/9/12

to many "fans" expect United to put out our" best" players in every game, impossible.

Too many games, you dont flog your best players to death.

posted on 16/9/12

He has had decades to call for this to stop. Also, I have never seen him go up to a group of fans and ask them to stop during a game. Why has he suddenly picked now to come out and say things? why not several years ago?

posted on 16/9/12

In the majority of seasons since the PL has begun, we have been the strongest team after the new year. This is no coincidence. It is a result of Fergie knowing how to manage his squad.

Sure, sometimes he gets it wrong - not least in the CL last year, but by and large, the man knows what he is doing.

posted on 16/9/12

He has had decades to call for this to stop. Also, I have never seen him go up to a group of fans and ask them to stop during a game. Why has he suddenly picked now to come out and say things? why not several years ago?

What the bloomin hell are you on about?

posted on 16/9/12

Yesterday he picked a team that won, and that's all you can ask. BUT, Sir Alex is still too "rotational" in my opinion. It worked yesterday, it has failed on plenty of other occasions. My ideal scenario would be that we only make one or 2 changes from game to game. If we do that, all players will get at least 1 games rest per month. Resting 4 or 5 players is a recipe for disaster imo and just because it worked yesterday, doesn't mean it will work on other occasions, as has been proven in the past.

posted on 16/9/12

He has had decades to call for this to stop. Also, I have never seen him go up to a group of fans and ask them to stop during a game. Why has he suddenly picked now to come out and say things? why not several years ago?

What the bloomin hell are you on about?

I thought that?

Wrong thread?

posted on 16/9/12

Some people should just stick to the wrestling board....

posted on 16/9/12


I see what you're saying but there was very little danger of us losing to Wigan yesterday.
If our reserves can't be trusted to beat Wigan at home then they have no business being at a club like United.

II doubt Sir Alex would put out such a raw team against a better team like Everton or Newcastle at home. Just in the smaller games in a CL week and Liverpool away.

The choice he made was 100% correct and i'd want him to make that same choice every time in games of this magnitude.

posted on 16/9/12

World Of Sport

Big Daddy

posted on 16/9/12

I don't mind rotation but playing Giggs and Scholes together especially from the start in any game is a massive gamble.

posted on 16/9/12

Not really Red Indian

Scholes is as good as any midfielder in the league and Giggs is pretty useful too.
They both came off after 60 or so minutes so no risk was taken.
You forget that Nani, Welbeck and Carrick provided some class and energy around them so it was never a risk.
Maybe if we played Giggs and Scholes against City it would be a risk but not Wigan at home.

We have to give the squad players games or else they'll just grow stale on the bench and Giggs and Scholes are just as useful as any other squad player.

comment by jack (U12011)

posted on 16/9/12

Ferguson got it right yesterday but changing so many players is taking a big chance and doesn't always work. I know he doesn't want to go out of The champions league like last year. But can't risk the premier league because of it. Think title will go down to the wire so every point will count.

posted on 16/9/12

The arrogance on this thread makes me sick. You wouldn't think we lost 1-0 to Wigan in a game that partly cost us the title a mere 3 or 4 months ago. The team selection yesterday was a poor one and I'm not going to let hindsight cloud my judgement. Too often is the team fiddled with and in no game ever should both Scholes and Giggs occupy starting berths. We played well yesterday and won handsomely, but it could have went very wrong and we would all be sitting here saying something very different.

posted on 16/9/12

Scholes and Giggs are fine playing against the likes of Wigan at home.

My problem comes when they're played in games against the better sides, especially when they're played together. It doesn't help either when they're both played with Carrick because it's not the most mobile of midfield combinations when they're all played together.

I don't have a problem with Scholes starting games at home, where we're in control and where we have the majority of possession but in games especially away from home which are played at a high tempo, he shouldn't be starting because the longer the game goes on, the more a liability Scholes becomes.

Giggs shouldn't be anywhere near the starting line up for games against the better sides.

posted on 16/9/12

I want to see a settled goalkeeper for the PL, a settled centre back partnership, players playing in position or not at all - for example, no Welbeck on the wing and no Valencia at right back. I also want a central midfield that is generally consistent and is allowed to develop an understanding. Is this to much to ask?

posted on 16/9/12

Sorry but it's more than feasible to have a regular starting eleven most weeks.

Look at barca for example. Very rare they stray from there regular team..

There is no way tht fergie has to rotate as much as he does.

It's a hindrance not a help.

posted on 16/9/12

Sorry but it's more than feasible to have a regular starting eleven most weeks.

Look at barca for example. Very rare they stray from there regular team..

There is no way tht fergie has to rotate as much as he does.

It's a hindrance not a help.

Exactly, when a settled team plays week in week out, they develop a good understanding and the team will have much more fluidity to their play. It's fine making 1 or 2 changes now and then but constant huge changes just doesn't help the teams rhythm.

posted on 16/9/12

I think our first cl game of last year is a prime example.
We were on fire in the league ten changed things and we lost the momentum a lot in that game.

posted on 16/9/12

Fans are fans for a reason. Cause they are pigs in a pen. The auld Scot can do what he likes because he literally know more about his teams Than any two bit fan.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 16/9/12

United beat Wigan at home, what an unbelievable achievement and well done to Sir Alex for making it happen.

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